Tag Archives: baby 3

Patrick’s Birth

Birth Story 2Patrick John
August 7, 2015 – 11:10PM
9lbs4oz – 21″

Our baby’s due date was August 3/4. For some reason I truly thought I would be early this time, but it wasn’t to be. On August 4th, I didn’t have another OB appointment booked until the 7th, but I wanted to see if she could get things going with a sweep like she did last time. I called to see if they happened to have a cancellation that day, and they did! I got my sweep, and although it made me lose a bunch of mucous over the next few days, it didn’t do much. I was only about 2cm dilated and my cervix was still fairly long and hard.

On Thursday, the 6th, I began to feel very minor cramping at really random times during the day. So minor I didn’t even mention it to anybody until the end of the day. On Friday, the 7th, those cramps became a bit stronger in the afternoon, but still very manageable; easy to ignore. I mentioned at supper time to Tim and my mom that I was feeling stuff. After supper we were watching a movie and I got up off the couch to get popcorn around 7:00pm. I felt a little something gush from me so I went to the bathroom and passed a blood clot. That didn’t seem quite normal to me so I called labour and delivery and they had me come in to be checked.

We got there around 7:30 and I was hooked up to the monitors. Baby was doing well but I was still bleeding a tiny bit. The OB checked me and found me to be about 3-4cm. She decided it would be best to induce me, just out of precaution. They didn’t really know what could be wrong, if anything, but I was feeling up for having a baby that night, so I agreed!

I was hooked up to the oxytocin at 9:00pm, on the very lowest setting. I was continuing to get my manageable cramps regularly. At 9:30 the OB broke my water and the first cramp after that was noticeably no longer just a cramp. I was having real contractions! They probably could have done just that, without putting me on the drip! According to my history, I have short labours and the breaking of my water is followed fairly quickly by delivery. So I was pretty much expecting to have a Friday baby yet.

The contractions started to become stronger and I changed positions. I had been on my hands and knees with Tim applying pressure to my back during contractions since that’s where I was feeling all my pain. But at some point I flipped onto my back and I started to feel the pain in the front. Soon after, I asked for the gas. I don’t know how much it actually helps for the pain or just gives me something to focus on, but for me the gas is pretty helpful. The OB came in probably just before 11 to check to see where I was at since she had a c-section getting ready to go. I was only 7cm, so off she went. With my very next contraction I started to feel more pressure, and after the next contraction after that, the nurse checked me again and I was 8cm! One more contraction brought me to 9cm and I was really wanting to push! I heard the OB ask to hold off on the spinal for the section, but upon hearing that it was already in, I think I heard her utter a small curse word. Apparently there were 4 births happening all at once! I was very ready to push this baby out of me, and thought the resident was the one there, telling me when to push and when to stop, but later Tim told me that the OB was actually there. Just in and out super quick. I heard voices telling me to push, big one, small ones, then I heard “we have a shoulder!”. Apparently the shoulder got stuck. And apparently my nurse jumped on me to help it out. I had no clue until she apologized after the fact. Birth is the one and only time you can be jumped on by a person and not even realize it.Birth Story 1

He surprised us all by being 9lb4oz. His brothers were 7lb3oz and 7lb10oz, so I was not expecting that! Because of his size, he got his shoulder a little stuck and caused some second degree tearing.

Looking back at all my labours, I can say that I felt the most aware and alert between contractions during this one. I think I talked and maybe even laughed at little jokes. I don’t remember anything between contractions of my other births. I did realize, though, that I keep my eyes shut during the entire thing. Too much effort to keep them open! Smiling, yes. Opening my eyes, no.

It’s a little alarming, thinking about a 4th birth. I now have three pieces of data to form a pattern of my labours, and it is this: first was 6 hours, second was 4, third was 2. Fourth is…0?!?Birth Story 3

Patrick is just a name we liked that happened to follow a little “hard C” pattern of the other boys’ names. John is Tim’s dad’s middle name (Calvin’s middle name is William – shared with Tim; Victor’s middle name is James – shared with my dad).

If you are curious about my other births, find them here:
Calvin’s Birth Story
Victor’s Birth Story

While We Wait

So today (or yesterday, depending on who you ask or when you asked me apparently) I am 40 weeks! It’s due date, baby! And yes, I am still sitting here feeling very pregnant and not like that is going to change any time soon. So much for my hunch of him being early.

It’s a weird feeling, when I think about actually having a newborn again. I went to visit a friend and her 4-day-old yesterday and it was so strange to think that I actually have one of those inside of me! And that it is soon going to be outside of me!

I am looking forward to the next 6ish weeks. My mom got here a couple days ago. She was originally going to just come when I went into labour, but she found a good deal on a flight. And it was actually really nice to think of the fact that I had no more days left to entertain the boys on my own. And then at some point Tim’s parents will come, and then later in the month my sister will visit! I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I love having company! If all goes according to plan, we will drive back to BC with the help of my sister and spend almost 2 weeks there.

I have been thinking of life with three children, and it is a little daunting, mostly when thinking about the winter and being inside most of the time. I know most of my grocery shopping will likely have to be done in the evenings, but Calvin will probably miss Costco if I never take him. And I will actually miss taking the boys grocery shopping more often. They are good and like it, which makes me enjoy it too.

But we live in a small house. I think I am going to have to get into a real good groove when it comes to keeping this place tidy and the kitchen mostly clean. I actually tried washing the dishes every day for a while, but have been quite slacking on it in the past couple weeks. I’m gonna have to get back on that. Once all my dish-washing-company is gone. I kid! But not really. I have wonderful, helpful family members. I think I am also going to get into a habit of inviting people over. We aren’t putting Calvin is preschool yet, but he needs interaction with other people. And I love having people over. I don’t do it nearly enough right now. I will change that.

Also, thinking ahead to life with three boys, I feel like I am going to want more femininity in my life. Like, maybe actually wear jewelry or something! Shocking! The last few times I’ve worn earrings I’ve had to poke it through grown-over skin. And I generally don’t like necklaces because they just get in the way. Scarves too. And my Old Navy Basics wardrobe is getting kind of boring. I don’t know…should I push those aspects of who I am aside, or change who I am, to feel less like a member of a family that is all boys?


IMG_1320Time to get back to my waiting. Hopefully not for more than a day or two! My doctor is on call tonight so she said it’s a good day to have a baby. Let’s see if baby heard her opinion and will heed it.

Life Lately

I just put a bunch of photos from my phone and camera onto the computer and realized there have been a number of things lately that could do with some documentation!

To start, I am going to jump all the way back to mid-June, when my brother and sister-in-law were here with their girls. You may recall my brother built my desk, but we did other stuff too! We went to the zoo, enjoyed the park and hung around the house while it rained. Thiessen Visit Thiessen Visit 2 Thiessen Visit 3In later June, the weather got pretty hot and sticky, so we enjoyed lots of popsicles, sprinkler times, and dinners in the shady evenings. And I’ll just quickly gloss over the fact that this weather made me a tad too cranky. LifeThen came July, and with it, the arrival of our van! New VanThe first time pushing the “start” button was to drive it home. The second time was to drive it out of province! We went to visit our good friends out in Regina so we could meet their new baby boy! I have to say there was almost too much cute in their house that weekend.
Morton Visit 1 Morton Visit 2A few days after we arrived back at home, Tim’s mom came out for a little visit. I suppose our guest bed had been cold for too long! She spent lots of time with the boys, which was great for me! We visited K-Days for the first time ever, which was fun. Hot and busy, but fun! And she and Michelle came to our church picnic.Mom Visit 1 Mom Visit 2Also, this past week I hit the 38-week mark in my pregnancy which means I am full term! Because of that, I decided it was time to get the “nursery” ready. 38 weeksTa da! Haha! I got the pack and play up, the newborn clothes washed and folded into their little drawers, and newborn diapers purchased. The car seat is just awaiting the insert to be washed (which I realized I had never done by machine, after being used for 2 babies already – yikes!) and my backpack is ready to be packed. Those things should be done this week, and then we will be 100% ready!

So that’s our summer this far. I feel like we haven’t done all that much, but putting all the photos and memories together in one post actually make it feel quite full! And the rest of the summer will be baby baby baby!

Pregnancy #3: 35 Weeks

When I last checked in, I was feeling really great. I think it was about a week later when that changed. The summer heat kicked in, and I think that is the biggest culprit, aside from, you know, being pregnant, for making me feel like my energy levels are a lot lower, which makes doing stuff harder which makes my back hurt more. I am 35 weeks and I have felt done for probably a month. I didn’t feel this way until the very end, if at all, with the other two. So that’s it; never having a summer baby again!

At my OB appointment a couple weeks ago she mentioned that I was measuring small (no surprise since the boys were both late and under 8 lbs), so she booked me for an ultrasound. That was two days ago. As the tech was measuring the bones and things, I was seeing numbers like 36w3d and 37w2d, which of course didn’t line up with measuring small. This morning my OB went over it with me and this little guy is in the 75 percentile! So I am hoping more than ever that I deliver early.

But not too early! We are planning a road trip to Regina next weekend, when I will be 36.5 weeks. Very close to full term. I will have an appointment before we go to check if things are progressing or not, but for now, the plan is to plot the hospitals along the way and head out. Especially since our van is supposed to arrive next week! Woohoo! So just a few weeks left. Kinda crazy, but exciting! The summer is just going to fly by. It will be a fast, but awesome summer!

Third Trimester

I’m in the third trimester! I think. There seems to be a little ambiguity on when that actually starts. And it wouldn’t be like me to know how far along I actually am. 

Still having three months left leaves me wishing this was my first child all over again. I miss having a room to ready, tiny things to collect and organize, and other things to occupy my attention other than the children I already have. This is my “Get Ready for Baby” to do list:

  • Take newborn and three month clothing boxes out of the closet
  • Set up pack and play in our room
  • Pack a hospital bag

These things can all be accomplished in 10 minutes. I could probably even skip the packing of the bag. We only live 5 minutes from the hospital and last time I was only at the hospital for 13 hours. I’ll probably throw a toothbrush in my purse and call it a day. 

Oh, and buying a mini van. That should go on the list. Although I have a hunch that I can squeeze the bucket seat between the two convertibles in the back of our Mazda 3. So even the van wouldn’t be a necessity. I’m actually really curious about that. Hold on a sec… 

 Okay, it’s snug, but my cheap Safety First seats work!  Not that we would let this keep us from getting a van. I’m too excited about getting one! I just wanted to prove that you don’t need to spend what could be a down payment on a bigger vehicle on car seats that fit across a smaller vehicle. 

I guess another thing I could add to the list is mental preparation. I think going from two to three might be more difficult than one to two.

I don’t even feel pregnant most of the time. Pretty much only when I go to stand up after sitting on the floor folding laundry or cleaning up toys. Truthfully, I feel like a cannot relate to most pregnant women. They seem to live out their 9 months in a state of hyperbole. “This morning sickness will never end!” “I need [insert random food of choice] right NOW!” “I have to pee every 15 minutes!” “Why can’t this baby leave my organs alone?” 

I understand that most of the time these women are probably not lying or even exaggerating. And it makes good content for books, movies, and blogs that are more interesting than mine. But my body is different and my babies grow differently. I have never had morning sickness. I have never felt the need to stop at a drive through or make an extra trip to the grocery store for a very specific food item. I only ever have to use the bathroom once at night and my daytime numbers don’t change much either. I have never felt like the baby is trying to push aside any organs or ribs. I can tell you though, that my nasal congestion is the worst ever and why won’t it just leave me alone?!

But I still have three months left. Who know if those will follow my usual or totally throw me for a loop.  


Baby #3 is a…

We are having another baby boy! That will make me a mother of three boys. Oh boy! It seems like a big deal. It’s not really, though. I can name so many people who have three sons. Three of my dad’s siblings have three boys. Even my grandmother had 6 boys in a row before a girl came along! A few families I grew up with also lacked a female child. Life with three boys (maybe more, maybe also with a girl in the future) sure will be exciting!

True Feelings:
I would be lying if I said I didn’t shed a few tears after learning it was a boy and not a girl. It was no secret that I wanted a girl! After I heard, I knew I was going to need a good cry to get it out of my system and then I would be fine. I thought it would wait until I got home, but I actually had my cry when the tech left the ultrasound room to show the photos to the doctor. And since it wasn’t at home, it was just a little cry. But I think it still got it out of my system! No further cry was had! I am all good with it now. I think what helped was the fact that we have the perfect name picked out (and have for some time; we are planners). This gives the baby and identity and a place in our family instead of just being some boy hanging out in my uterus. The thought of having three boys is a little overwhelming and makes me feel tired for my future self.  But it will be an adventure. And adventure I am looking forward to! And if he is as cute as those other two up there in that video, it would be hard to not love him!

Of course when you think of three boys, things like the Three Stooges come to mind. Here are some other groups of famous boys/men that come in three that make me smile.

 Clockwise, from top left:
The butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker. Representing the nursery rhymes of our childhood.
Rack, Shack, and Benny. AKA Shadrach, Meshach, and Obednigo, three guys who stood up for what they believed in and experienced first hand what our all-powerful God can do.
Snap, Crackle, and Pop. The mascots for the cereal that can be turned into a deliciously sticky treat! Fun fact: I never liked eating Rice Krispy squares when I was little because they made me sticky.
The Three Kings. Or three wise men. Or three maji. Probably not three, but whatever. The men who were chosen be among the first to welcome Jesus to this world.  How special!
DC Talk. The music of my youth. My first CD. Makers of music I never tire of listening to.

20 weeks

20 weeks

How my pregnancy is going:
Everybody always seems interested in how pregnant women are feeling, so here is how I am doing. I am feeling great! I still have that pesky nasal congestion, but after it sticking around for the entirety of two other pregnancies, I am kind of used to it. Only a few more months until it’s gone! Sleeping is still mostly comfortable, I can still get up off the floor while holding Victor after nursing him in the middle of the night (yeah, I just plop myself on the floor beside his crib instead of going to the couch in the living room), and heartburn hasn’t kicked in too terribly yet. Well, I never get it bad anyway. Even later in my pregnancies I never feel a lot of the discomforts that are so common for a lot of women, like being kicked in the ribs or other places. I am doing well, and am enjoying being pregnant.




This past weekend I turned 28. 28?! That’s nuts to me! Didn’t I just graduate? Didn’t I just move out of my parents’ house? I’ve actually done a lot with my 28 years. Just in the past decade I’ve travelled to 3 continents (other than North America), made the very first move of my life to a brand new city, lived on my own for 3 years, got married, had 2 children (with another on the way!), and become a home owner. A lot of people can’t say that much at 28. I am so thankful for where my life has all led me.

The weekend was quite a good one. Jordan and Amy stayed with us Wednesday and Thursday night since they had a conference in town, and we celebrated me with an ice cream cake. Yummy! And our friend, Kate, was working in town on Friday so she spent that night as well. Although not birthday-related, the visits were special!

Friday morning some friends and I made a huge batch of wareneki together. I was glad to have something to do that morning to take my mind of the ultrasound I had booked for that afternoon. I was nervous about it! I was hoping for a sweet birthday gift of finding out the gender, but that was not to be. But not to worry. I have to go back next week because they couldn’t get clear measurement of the baby’s heart either. Surprisingly I’m not nervous about that. I actually had a couple weeks at the beginning of my second trimester where I was anxious about the health of our baby. Only for the reason that I’ve had 2 perfectly healthy pregnancies and babies; am I allowed to have another? But that anxiety melted away into just nervousness for finding out the gender. Now, even after hearing that something needs to be looked at again and they also couldn’t see the gender, I am feeling neither of those feelings anymore, which is great!SEVENHUYSENLARISSAJOY20150306141318245

Saturday morning I had brunch with the ladies from our small group and in the evening my boys and I went out for dinner. The day was also, of course, interspersed with calls and texts from family members. It was a wonderful day!

I tried adding more photos, but it isn’t working for whatever reason. Check back again later if you like!