This was our Victoria Day! Or rather, the day we spent in Victoria, not to be confused with the holiday in May. We had wanted to spend a little time around town, so first things first, we hit my favourite spot: The Government House. They have beautiful public gardens. If you find yourself in Victoria and like gardens but don’t want to shell out the $$ to go to Butchart Gardens, I highly suggest this place. It is close to downtown, free, and just as beautiful as Butchart. Tim happened to live right next door to it while we were engaged, so it is even a little bit more special! Next we drove down to Dallas Road and hung out on the beach throwing rocks.
We had just a little bit more time before meeting up with a couple friends, so we did a drive by of downtown, seeing the legislature building and also the house I lived in for 4 years (not pictured).
We met a couple friends at Beacon Hill Park for a little picnic. By now the sun had come out, and it was pretty warm! Calvin was so zonked by the end of our time there. You can see it on his face in the bottom right photo. So we went back to Michelle’s for nap time.
That evening before we headed up to Nanaimo, there was more plant watering, and lots of Victor snuggles.
Around bedtime we packed the boys back into the car and drove the 1.75 hours up island, stopping of course to take in the view along the way.
For the next days’ post, click the link below this post.
I don’t think I’ve ever been to Government House. I’ll have to make a note to check it out next time! Our tradition is Beacon Hill ice cream. :)
That’s a good one too!