The Finished Bathroom

5 days later and the bathroom is done!

The priming and painting were spread over three days during naptime. The walls all got painted the green colour and the mouldings were painted white. Hooray! Here is the view of the other direction.

A couple other changes include:
– a new double towel bar (the existing one was far too small to be used by both us and guests which we have fairly often)
– a new shower bar (this wasn’t planned, and it was also a downgrade. The existing one, which was one of those nice curved ones, fell down in the middle of the night a few nights ago. It was stuck up with thick double sided tape so we got more of that and tried again. It didn’t last two showers. We then decided it needed to be screwed in, and drilling into tile wasn’t something we wanted to attempt quite yet, so we replaced it with a simple straight pressure mount one)
– a diaper sprayer (Calvin’s messes normally just fall right out of his diapers, but once in a while they require a little help, so I purchased this used diaper sprayer. No more bathroom spatula! Can I also say I am excited to have it for use post delivery?)

Here is a little before and after so you can see the difference. You may notice we also changed out the lightbulbs. Not only to be more energy efficient, but also so I wouldn’t sweat while I brushed my teeth. Seriously.

I am so glad it is done, and it makes me excited to change the rest of the colours in this house! Not sure when it will happen, though, since I am a month away from being a mom of two and probably the same distance away from winter. But if you want to come visit and help me knock out a room or two in a weekend, I pay in meals and Calvin snuggles!

13 thoughts on “The Finished Bathroom

  1. Julie Thiessen

    Hi Larissa, I love following your blog. You are very entertaining! The bathroom colour is a great improvement, much brighter and personable.As you take on a project at a time you will have your house looking the way you want it in no time. I look forward to future posts and news of a beautiful little addition to your family.

  2. lori


    You have no clue who I am but I found your blog awhile back through For Everything A Season and have been a blog follower of Mennonite Girls Can Cook for some time, I am enjoying your fun way of writing too ! Congrats on your new place!


  3. Anna

    Yay for no more bathroom spatula!

    I would LOVE to come over to help out in exchange for meals and Calvin snuggles. Sadly, it will have to wait.

    The bathroom also looks so much better! Job well done.


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