The Bathroom

This is our bathroom:photo 1It’s pretty nice, with nice new tile in the bath, and fresh paint on the walls, a nice vanity and new fixtures. However, it is not to my taste. The colour on the walls is the same colour that is on every single wall in this house. And it is the same as the tile, so it’s all just kind of bland. This week’s project is to get it painted!

When it comes to colour, I am a little limited by the accent tile. Here’s a close up:

photo 2Fairly neutral colours, but there aren’t too many colours I would want my bathroom to be that would match that green glass. Good thing this isn’t our forever home, right?

As luck would have it, the previous owner had left behind a can of paint that matches really well!

photo 4And it just happens to be for kitchens and baths. The place it is used currently is the back entrance, and it’s a nice colour. Again, not my ideal choice, but it matches, and it is better colour than the yellow!

And for some reason this guy decided to get fancy and paint one of the walls the same dark, flat brown that is on the majority of the trim in the house. You may notice there is also no hand towel rack on the wall. Who doesn’t put in a hand towel rack? Don’t worry, we’re on it.



So it’s a good thing he also left behind a big can of primer!

I’m excited to get a different colour into this house of ours! And I’m extra excited that I didn’t have to pay for this one! One day soon maybe I will make a trip to pick up some paint chips for the rest of the house.




5 thoughts on “The Bathroom

  1. Anna

    I’m pretty excited that you said it wasn’t your forever home. But I’m also excited for your nice bathroom and can’t wait to see what it looks like.


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