Quick Fix

I have had requests for more pictures of Calvin, so here you are!

In the past week or so, he has taken a big liking to this stuffed rhino. The horn/tusk/whatever fits nicely into his mouth to suck on.

Sometimes he even takes it a long for a ride!

I think it’s hilarious every time he does this. Future pole dancer? If he wasn’t wearing long sleeves, you would totally be able to see his bulging biceps.

9 thoughts on “Quick Fix

  1. Naomi

    As always, Calvin is a bright spark in my day! He looks so full of joy – it’s contagious. Thanks for the updates. I don’t comment often, but i always love to read about your adventures. Are you guys going to be at the big family shindig?

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen Post author

      Hey, thanks for commenting! We are hoping to be there on the 22nd, but Tim has a project due on the 21st, so we can only make it if he finishes early. We are driving, so it might also depend on the weather. I really really want to be there though!


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