Guys, I’m still forgetting how far along I am all the time, so these little updates are mostly to make me check to see how many weeks I am. But I am forgetting less and less that I am actually pregnant. Probably due to this:
I am finally getting my belly! I have been waiting for months for this. I love my baby belly. Probably because its the only time I ever have a firm stomach.
This pregnancy continues to look much like the first. No sickness, although strong yucky smells gross me out more than usual. I still have the nasal congestion which I am very used to by now. What’s it like to have a clear airway?
In my first trimester, I had to use the toilet in the night almost every night. That necessity has stopped now in my second trimester which is a nice little surprise. I even had a whole night with zero waking up last week! That hasn’t happened since I was pregnant last time! Last time the nighttime trips to the ladies rooms didn’t start occurring until well into my second trimester.
If you have been pregnant, you probably know that crazy dreams are one of the stranger symptoms. Normally I don’t ever dream (or remember them, however that works), but when I am pregnant I remember more. They aren’t ridiculous dreams, just what other people normally dream about probably. Like about my garden sprouting in one day. It’s kind of fun waking up with these vague memories though. I wish I dreamt more often.
And that’s how it’s going these days. I should try on my dress for my sister’s wedding to make sure I actually still fit it. It shouldn’t be a problem though, thanks to empire waist lines!
Yay pregnant Larissa! I’m glad round two is even easier than round one.
looking forward to seeing you soon!