Oma Came to Visit

It seems Spring is the time for the family matriarchs to visit!

My mom flew out last weekend to celebrate Calvin’s birthday with us, and it was great to have her here, as always.  As per usual, we didn’t do anything special, but spent good time together. And the boys got spoiled with new books and clothes.

Mom also stuffed a birthday gift for Calvin in her luggage. A Little People car ramp thing! Calvin has lots of fun with it. As much as I don’t really like these kind of big toys, I am realizing that these kinds of toys are good for Calvin as he grows older and can do things beyond stacking blocks in towers and smashing them over.

Oma (2) Oma (1)

Everybody needs a hug, no matter how little they are.

Oma (3)

It was impossible to get a decent photo of mom with both boys. Calvin is two, remember?

Oma (5)

So we settled on individual portraits.

Oma (6) Oma (4)

Thanks for the visit and everything you do for us while you are here!

2 thoughts on “Oma Came to Visit

  1. anneliese

    The individual portraits are beautiful! I can well imagine how much your mom would love to have those boys closer! She was always the baby lover in the family. Glad she could be there for the birthday and make it a party.


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