We have been home from our BC Christmas (will post photos another time) for a week now. It has not been a great week. I picked up some sort of cold back there. It manifested itself in me on New Year’s Day, and has not yet left. The boys started showing symptoms 5 days later, on Tuesday, when we were back home. On Wednesday evening, Tim started to feel off and missed work on Thursday and Friday. I thought I was getting better yesterday. My sore throat was gone, my voice was mostly back. I just had that annoying persistent tickley cough that keeps you up at night. And then this morning I felt worse. Calvin was complaining of his ear hurting last night. I took him to the clinic today but the wait was about two hours. Yeah. Didn’t want to stick around for that with two sick boys and not feeling well myself. So I took them home.
All this to say, I think I have learned a lesson. I always prided myself in my immune system and that of my family’s. We had never all been sick at once, and the boy have hardly had more than a simple cold before. So now I am humbled. I am naturally low on empathy so, in all honestly, I have very little patience for sick people. I think this may help my attitude a bit. I hope it does.
So now we are all low on energy and Bubble-Guppied-out. I hope we will turn a corner soon.
That STINKS. I hope you guys feel better soon.
Oh, Larissa … I hope you all feel better soon! I have had to learn to feel more empathy too by getting more colds this year than ever before.