My hair and I have been on a journey.
My curls have been a defining feature of myself for a long time. I can’t say I have ALWAYS had curly hair; sometimes it was just poofy…In highschool, hormones changed, and the poof turned into more defined curls. I learned the “dos and do nots” of curly hair. Don’t brush it! Don’t touch it! My hair became something that anybody who had lived through the Perm Age had to comment on. “You’re hair is so beautiful! I hope you appreciate it. People pay big money for hair like yours.”
And I did appreciate it. That didn’t mean I always loved it. I straightened it sometimes. That also got comments. “Why would you do that?” And from my Oma, “Will it go curly again?” I also tried having different curls. Because other people’s curls are always better than your own.
After highschool is probably what I consider my prime, in the hair department. I had learned how to work with it and how to style it, and what cut was the best. It had life and bounce. I loved it.

On a different note…it’s so true what they say: you don’t appreciate the body you had until after you’ve had children.
In the last couple years, I have noticed a new shift. Every woman knows that pregnancy and child birth wreak havoc with your hormones, and hair growth is directly linked with that. So of course, in the past 5 years of being pregnant three times, and breastfeeding for four years straight, it has loosened my curls. And I don’t quite know how to deal with this new hair. It feels flatter and like it has less life. Sometimes, if it is in a pony tail for long enough, it can even straighten out completely! It used to take me an hour with a straight iron to do that!

Photo 1 was taken on a particularly good day. Photo two…please excuse the face. I took that to send to my sister.
For my most recent cut (in January), I finally gave in to the fact that my usual style was not going to work, and got rid of the layers I have had for a decade! I still don’t know if I love it, but it’s better than pretending my hair is something that it’s not. I have also been experimenting with braids and twists to bring make it feel less boring. I don’t know how much this has affected things, but I actually have not shampooed my hair in 5 years. You remember that fad? Yeah. That’s one I jumped on. A fad that actually means SAVING money?! I’m on board! I actually tried it again a couple times in December, but it left my hair so frizzy. Maybe I’ll try it again and slather on the product afterward.
So my hair journey continues.
In an effort to bring more femininity to our home, and just feel better about myself in general, I have also started wearing jewelry! Nothing big and in your face, but simple subtle things that make me feel more put together. Although I would have never described my post-baby style as frumpy, I have never really felt put together. I think it’s about time I change that. Also, my nails! When Anna was visiting, she brought along some Jamberry wraps for us to do, and I kinda got hooked. It is such a simple and quick way to just add another layer of completion. There is no way I am going to paint my nails and have them stay decent looking longer than half a day, so that’s why I love these wraps. But now I’m starting to sound like a sales pitch.
I am also trying to find a clothing style that is me. I am learning about my body and what works and doesn’t work. For instance, crew necks are no good because of my broad shoulders and large chest. Clothes have never been super important to me, and have always occupied a very tiny portion of my budget. I can’t let myself pay more than $10 for a shirt or $20 for pants. So a full change in my dressing habits is a slow one. I’m not a stylish person by any means, especially when it comes to footwear, but I am trying, and so far I am enjoying how these small changes have made me feel.
I think it’s important to feel good about yourself, and all this superficial stuff helps.
I’ve always loved your hair, and as far as figuring out a style for clothes, it will eventually come to you. I can’t wear crew neck shirts for the same reasons as you, I feel like a football player and very manly if I wear crew neck. Vneck is the way to go for us well endowed gals.
I think if you feel good about what you’re wearing you will carry yourself with confidence and that’s important, superficial or not. I refuse to leave my house looking like a frump.
My hair also changed during pregnancy. I lost some curls in the first half but it’s seemed to come back….
I also struggle with jewelry. But having one or two favourite pieces at easy grasp has helped me. And accessories like scarves or a fun pair of shoes or a bright bag can make me feel more feminine.
Do you have a used site like varagesale in Edmonton? Or maybe a good – quality used store? Sometimes you can find items at great prices.
No matter what though, you always look fabulous in the photos I see on fb. And I’m sure your boys think you’re the most beautiful lady they know.
Thanks for blogging about this Larissa! It’s so true that it can be just a few little changes that can make us feel more “put together” right on!
I had to re-read the part hat you have not shampooed your hair for 5 years several times. I cannot imagine what I would look like with my limp, greasy, fine hair after one week, never mind ….
Okay, you do have beautiful hair Larissa, but I also appreciate what you are saying, because my hair used to by curly as a teen and I did not like it then. Now there have been times I’ve wished for curls again.
I think we have the exact opposite hair! Mine is so straight that even if I curl it, it straightens out again within hours. I secretly hoped pregnancy would give it more volume but, nope. It’s boring but I’m used to it. We always want a little bit of what we don’t have, right?