Yesterday was Scotiabank’s Hockey Day in Canada. Since it happened to be hosted in Lloydminster, where Jordan lives, we decided to make the 2.5-hour trip and take a little day trip out there. Half an hour outside of Edmonton I realized I forgot the camera, so I started the day off a little sad, but it got lots better!
Never have I felt so Canadian as I did, wandering around taking in the sights at the event. We were there from 9:30 – 12:00, and could’ve stayed a lot longer if not for Calvin. It’s always Calvin’s fault! Just kidding.
There was outdoor hockey.
We watched a little bit of it. And by little, I mean the puck drop. Calvin has needs, and those needs are mainly to run around and not sit still to enjoy things.
There were also tons of free activities, like chuck wagon racing, dog sled rides, snow shoeing, horse pulled wagon rides, a hay bale maze, rinks to skate on, and hills to slide down.
Inside the buildings were more activities for kids, lots of parephenalia, and of course, trophies, trophies trophies!

Jordan and Amy were patient enough to stand in line. We were not, but handed Calvin over so he could be in the shot!
We spent the afternoon at Jordan’s little home. Calvin was super restless since he wouldn’t stay in Jordan’s bed for a nap, so the two of them went into the hallway and continued the hockey theme of the day.
Calvin finally napped when he went with the guys to pick up pizza. And he was sleepy enough when they returned that he stayed sleeping in the bed! It was really cute when he got up though, since he can obviously get out of that bed and the door has a lever handle, so he just let himself out of the room all happy when he woke up.
Amy was gracious enough to let Calvin steal her pizza while she wasn’t looking. I think he ate close to two pieces!
Oh, and Victor was there too.
It was a good, long day, and I’m glad Lloydminster isn’t farther away. We may do more trips like this in the future!
Sounds like it was a fun day!Good introduction to sleeping in a big bed – now you know what to expect. So good to see Victor smiling and not looking so serious.
That looks like so much fun! Except for the sitting outside in the cold part…