Working Vacation: Day 3

Today was the first day where we didn’t have to travel between cities! Tim had all his meetings scheduled for the morning, so he was out the whole time, leaving me and Calvin to hang out together. We had a leisurely breakfast, played in the room then got some fresh air in a field behind the hotel before coming back for nap time. If I had enough forethought, I would’ve asked Tim to leave the stroller behind instead of taking it along in the trunk.




After Tim came back and we had lunch, we went out for some ice cream in Bragg Creek. That is one area that was highly affected by the flooding. They are still rebuilding roads and many businesses are still closed. You can see damage along the river, in the form of broken and bent foliage (hard to see in a photo though). It almost felt a little bit surreal to see all the “thanks for the help” posters and things they show in the news all the time.



We came back to the hotel, enjoyed a dinner we got at a grocery store deli, put Calvin to bed, and are currently watching Arrested Development. Ah, the relaxed life!

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