Images tagged "murder-mystery"

0 thoughts on “Images tagged "murder-mystery"

  1. Aunt Sara

    Hey…great idea Larissa…I’ll be sure to stop by.
    Wishing you all the best in your move. Any closer to knowing a date?

  2. Elsie

    What an adventure, to be moving to another city, another province, and another climate! I look forward to reading and seeing more about it. I like the name you chose for your blog and trust that you will “bloom where you’re planted”. Best wishes!

  3. Chris

    This is the guy whose position Larissa took over when she joined Abigail’s. It was a pleasure meeting and working with you as well Larissa. I am sure we will be seeing you, Tim and Calvin soon! Have a great adventure!!

  4. Jeanniene

    Hi Larissa.

    It was great working with you too. And if I ever returned to Victoria, I would love to come back to Abigails. And hello to everyone at Abigails. you guys are awsome.

  5. Nick S.

    The pleasure was ours Larissa! Wishing you well on the relocation and in the settling into Edmonton. Should you find yourself out west again, you know where we’ll be! :p

  6. Anna

    Using that stuffed animal box for Calvin is genius. They’ll help counteract his weight and he’ll be nice and padded for all the bumps along the road.

    You really are a master packer!

  7. Anna

    That stinks about the trailer not fitting everything! At least your toaster fit, judging by Tim’s photo. It’s the important things.

  8. Charlene

    hey Larissa, I hope the move went well and you are slowly getting settled into your new home. It was great to visit with you one last time in Victoria the other weekend!

  9. CT

    To answer your question, we found we had a lemon, had to gut the basement now 3x’s, one more is scheduled to happen due to bad plumbing. Love having my home jack-hammered (note sarcasm)…oh the work that has been done in a mere 3 years since we moved in. Was ready to call Holmes on homes! NOT fun, and yes LOTS of tears!!!-C

  10. Arlene Sevenhuysen

    The move was made just in time! And no, I don’t think the magic of falling snow never goes away.
    Now when it turns grey and dirty and doesn’t seem to want to melt away, that’s another story.

  11. amy

    haha reading that now actually just made it click for me…so thank you Larissa, for making me slightly more bunny wise.

  12. CT

    The girls loved to eat for baby food: Yams, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, apples, pears, mixed together or by them selves.

  13. Charlene

    I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and following your adventures. I love organization and love how you’ve maximized on what you have. I’m still working on that in my home, only because I’m so busy with work and theatre I’m almost never home. It will get there. I just need to set aside the time, because like you, if I’m going to clean and organize I like to do it right the first time.

  14. Elsie

    Great job on organizing your pantry!! I love organizing too……’s so satisfying to see the “before” turn into a beautiful “after”. As for organizing tips, I have one for the massive amounts of paper that keep wanting to take over the house. Earlier this year when I organized our office, I put a paper recycling bag, the paper shredder and a garbage can all in one corner. Now when I sort the mail or collect paper from around the house, everything can be disposed of in one place, and anything I need to keep has a place in the filing cabinet.

  15. Monika Thiessen

    Great job, Larissa! You always have liked to have a place for everything, and everything in it’s place. Having an open pantry also makes it a little more accountable as to what you buy. Looking forward to seeing the other rooms and hopefully I will be able to get out there and see it “for real”!

  16. Warren

    I’ve never had to shop, have gone to the same church all my life. I think it would be important to find a church where the focus is on sound teaching. If you’re looking for programs as ways to meet people, there are bowling teams, community clubs, etc. Of course you want to be able to establish meaningful relationships with the people in a church but I think that is secondary to the reasons Jesus had for establishing the church. Avoid the common pitfalls of church-hoppers… searching for the “perfect church”…looking for a place where everything “feels good” instead of finding a place where you can serve others. But like I said, I’ve never had to look so… happy hunting!

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Oh yes, of course sound teaching is high on the list! I like to look at church websites and see their statements of faith and stuff. It just never crossed my mind to write it down here.

      And yes, having a place to serve is huge too, which is probably easier in a larger church, but maybe a growing church has more new opportunities and you wouldn’t feel like you are stepping on other peoples’ toes.

      I don’t want to be searching for too long. Like I said, I want to feel settled with a new church family!

  17. Stacey

    If you can borrow a tiller from someone, you can just till all that leftover plant matter into the ground. Then till it again in spring and plant away! I think the best time to plant here is usually the end of May, but it could be different in Edmonton.

  18. Stacey

    Way to use what you’ve got :) I have never had a pantry space before, so everything has to fit into my cupboards. I’m looking forward to having a pantry in my new house!

  19. Aunt Sara

    Nice cozy looking room. Love the wall colour…almost looks like what I have in the office.
    Enjoy your visit :)

  20. Monika Thiessen

    I’m thankful that we were able to make the trip. It was good to see where you are living! And it’s always great to see you, Tim and Calvin. Thanks, again, for everything!

  21. Sarah

    To be honest, when I went to The Mall, I never spent a second in a shop. Went straight to the water park, spent the whole day there, and by the time it was closed, so were the shops (barring a couple of food places). I looked a bit at the masses of closed doors, but aside from that…. :)

  22. Aunt Anneliese

    Just found your blog and enjoyed a visit on here. Love your pantry overhaul and your little guestroom to welcome family. I’m so glad your mom and Rose could visit. Your mom still has a nice tan! I have not seen her… obvisouly. Calvin looks like a content little/big boy!
    Hope you find a good church and make great friends there! If I ever have a layover in Edmonton visiting Ben and Kari, I may just be able to have coffee with you. Take care … keep writing.

  23. Anna

    This post makes me miss you guys so much! I can’t believe how big he’s getting and how much more he’s doing!

    I also can’t believe those booties still fit him. Glad he’s getting some use out of them.

  24. Catherine

    He is looking so grown up – I miss him so much! I can’t believe he is almost crawling. No I take that back, he’s a smart boy, of course I can believe it. Love you all!

  25. Chavon

    Hooray! He’s growing up, making messes, and learning new skills. Watch out–pretty soon your house is going to be a constant disaster (like mine :-). It’s all worth it to hear those pattering feet running around your home.

  26. Brenda Thiessen

    Hey Tim & Larissa,
    Great blog! :) Calvin is so cute! He sure has grown. Congrats on your move, job and new home. Wish you all the best as you settle in and adjust. Blessings! :) … Love, Aunt Brenda

  27. Karissa

    Aww, I hate when Peter’s away for anything and I can imagine it would be much tougher with a little baby. Glad you’re able to fill up your evenings. I generally use Peter’s absence as an excuse to eat junk food and watch TV he makes fun of.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I find myself doing a lot more “grazing” during the day because there isn’t a specific dinner meal to plan for, which is why I try not to have too much junk food in the house, because I know myself! Haha!
      It’s a good thing Calvin isn’t too much work yet. I think it would be a lot tougher when he is a toddler and needs eyes on him all the time.

  28. Monika Thiessen

    What a sweetie. Love his hat :) I’m sure he can’t move in that snowsuit and he’s wondering why you would bundle him up like that.

  29. McKate

    That is the sweetest most thoughtful thing I’ve heard of in a long time. Tim you are such a sweetheart! Larissa, you deserve every drop of it! It’s making me so happy! I feel like I am at your wedding again.

  30. Mary

    Mesh feeders are good! :) Rose used one a little in the summer (we would put frozen things in it to help her teething). I’m really enjoying something called the Sili Squeeze ( ). Basically babies have to suck/chew to get food to release, but it allows them to feed themselves without a mess. We’re still coaching Rose on using the Original spout, but once she gets the hang of it, I won’t have to spoon feed her purees. I might mention that Rose still wants/needs me to do everything. I can’t even put her down for a nap, she has to nap on me, so the idea of being able to let her feed herself is awe inspiring lol.

  31. Nicole Birrell

    I am thinking about getting a mesh feeder for Emma. My other kids did not really need one, they loved to be fed, would fed themselves well and would open their mouths. The only Emma does not open her mouth for is a spoon with food on it, so I am thinking a mesh feeder might work for her.

  32. Catherine

    The second picture is such a typical Tim-as-a-toddler face. I only know this from home videos, but all the same it’s a recognizable facial expression!

  33. Aunt Anneliese

    Love that last photo of you two and the ne of Calvin in the snowsuit! What a great scavenger hunt idea! What of Calvin’s wardrobe will you be wearing, I wonder? Socks on your fingers?

    1. Monika Thiessen

      You’ll be a pro in no time! Glad you stayed safe and hopefully you stayed calm. Calvin probably slept through the whole ordeal.

  34. Arlene Sevenhuysen

    Sounds like an adventure! Good thing it wasn’t in the dark.
    PS We loved opening the mail the other day. First artwork on the fridge!

  35. Anna

    These are SO wonderful! I can’t tell you which is my favourite because then I’d have to choose. I LOVE how engaged Calvin is in that book. So good!

  36. Catherine Sevenhuysen

    So jelly! I miss you all. We’re having a crazy windstorm here. Power outages etc. I wish it was a snow storm!. See you in a month or so!

  37. Anna

    That’s so cool! Did you hear they’re forgoing the ice rink downtown this year and put up a ferris wheel instead?

    Calvin looks like a toddler standing up in his snow suit. Danger.

  38. Monika Thiessen

    I need a paper version of the picture of Calvin sitting there… it’s my favorite “go-to” picture on your blog.

  39. Sheila Thiessen

    Nice glasses….we’ve made MANY purchases through Clearly Contacts in the last couple of years – and have never been sorry.

  40. Jenny

    Our crazy setup is a top-loading, folding lid washer (that looks like a big bread maker) under a front loading dryer in our entry closet. The dryer vents INTO the house, so we have to run a large portable dehumidifier for every load (or open windows in good weather) and it still feels like Costa Rica in here. Walls and windows sometimes get steamy. I use the ironing board to fold and hang clothes on hangers on the backs of the dining chairs or door hooks. Ideal laundry room? My dreams are simple at this point: NOT in a closet or main part of the home, appliances that function well, room to fold and sort, NO HUMDITY!!! Lol.

    PS: Any improvement on the utilities front?

  41. Anna

    I don’t understand front loading washing machines! The inlaws have one but I’ve heard that over filling them can break them. I like top loaders because if the lid closes, you’re usually okay.

    It’s realllly nice having laundry just steps away from the living space. It makes the inevitable semi-dressed dash to find clothes less awkward than your situation.

  42. Stacey

    I like the picture you posted with the baskets in a shelf. Our current laundry room is unfinished, which I don’t like, but I do have a top loader that works well, and the dryer is on the right, so everything works well together. In the house we are moving to, the laundry is in a large closet in the main floor bathroom. There is lots of storage above the machines, but I don’t think there is any beside or in front, so I will have to figure out a new way of sorting/doing laundry so my bathroom floor isn’t covered in dirty clothes!

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Growing up we didn’t have a lot of floor space in our laundry room for sorting either, since it is also the mud room, but every Monday morning we kids were responsible for bringing our laundry down to the family room and throwing it into colour piles. From there I’m sure it went into baskets to wait for its turn in the washer.

  43. Heather

    I had mine stacked in our old house. I really liked it. I seem to drop a lot of stuff on the floor when transferring from washer to dryer, and having it stacked really helped. I would put a basket on the floor in front of the washer, so if anything fell when I was tossing it up into the dryer, it fell into the basket, instead of onto the floor.

  44. Naomi

    As always, Calvin is a bright spark in my day! He looks so full of joy – it’s contagious. Thanks for the updates. I don’t comment often, but i always love to read about your adventures. Are you guys going to be at the big family shindig?

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Hey, thanks for commenting! We are hoping to be there on the 22nd, but Tim has a project due on the 21st, so we can only make it if he finishes early. We are driving, so it might also depend on the weather. I really really want to be there though!

  45. Arlene

    Hey, I just went thrift shopping with Opa and Nana this week here in Nanaimo! It’s become a tradition for them to make the rounds while they’re visiting us. I got some good yarn for a car blanket.

  46. Arlene

    We vented our dryer to the inside in winter while living in Hudson’s Hope because the air was super dry and it added some nice smelling humidity!

  47. Christine Tulloch

    Are these the ones you gave me years back in the ice cream container??? Because those are sure good!! I would love to get the recipe to those ones. I think they were chocolate or darker than these ones though. Love you lady!!! Glad to see you’re still able to enjoy things from home!!

  48. Monika Thiessen

    Glad you were able to work out a compromise. And it will be nice to be able to do laundry whenever… or will it be awkward (for him) to know that you will be in and out of his place when he’s not there?

  49. Elsie

    Those look like nice family events you went to. May you have a joyful and meaningful Christmas as you visit with your families at the coast!

  50. Monika Thiessen

    Yeah! The time of your arrival keeps getting better! I thought you were leaving on Thurs and arriving on Fri.

  51. anneliese

    I have pots and pans and … guess what? … tupperware on the bottom shelves …. great toys! Just wait till he find the trash can under the sink too… but at least you can guard it while you do dishes.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I keep my garbage in a larger bin not under the counter, and yes, he has found that. Sometimes I just move it into the dining room and barricade the doorway with chairs. This house doesn’t have the best setup for baby gate usage unfortunately.

  52. Monika Thiessen

    I guess we better keep those Canucks socks in the right sizes for Calvin so that his feet remain planted in the correct team!
    Glad you got to go to a practice – you should have taken notes and sent them to the Canucks’ team!

  53. Jessi

    In Prince George they have a snow dump. It’s just a huge pile of snow that never melts. Maybe Edmonton has one too. It reminds me of the zamboni pile behind hockey rinks only bigger. You can go visit it in the summer when you miss the snow

  54. Tim

    He’s been learning to make all kinds of interesting noises using his hands and mouth. Yesterday Larissa taught him to pat his hand on his mouth, the old “war whoop” thing.

  55. Wendy @ New Moms Talk

    Wow oh wow! You did awesome with your YHL challenge finds!

    We’re always on the hunt for wooden toys, but didn’t find any during the challenge. We did get a few cute clothing items for Susanna for when she’s grows a bit (which will probably be before we know it).

    Oh, and we also had the moment where we thought we were at $20, but nope.

  56. Monika Thiessen

    We went to VV Boutique in the States this weekend. I came out of there with 2 pictures (I just want the frames) at $4.99 each. 2 (valentine-ish) wine glasses @ $1.99 (for candy at my breakaway table). Several yards of purple fabric for wedding decor @ $4.99 and a pretty top for me @ $1.99. I was quite pleased with my finds.

  57. misty

    I adore thrifting! I have not heard about this song but will look it up. Those wooden toys are a sweet score! I think the helicopter is Hape brand…I’m so jealous. I thrift for wooden toys but have yet to find such lovely little vehicles. Still hunting!

  58. Naomi Janzen

    Here are a few staples I keep in my pantry:

    *cream of mushroom soup (casseroles galore! Add some cheese or Mexican seasoning for a twist)

    *Coriander, Cumin, Chili, cilantro (dried spices) – I get them in bulk and make my own Mexican food to taste. I pre-make pulled pork or chicken in batches, then freeze it. On a whim we can have tacos, burritos, quesadillas, fajitas, nachos, or tortilla soup without a lot of work. The pulled meat is pretty good with rice and beans too.

    *gnocchi is fun to change things up with, too. You can get it dried next to the pasta in a lot of stores, and it’s similarly priced. It’s great with any kind of pasta sauce and you can throw in bacon or sausage or any kind of leftover meat and it still seems really different than pasta.

    I’ve started to plan my meals a week or two in advance, just because I don’t get home until 6:30 or 7 most nights and I’m too frazzled to try and decide what to make at that point. To some extent I planned before (like which meat we’d defrost), but now I’m super careful and plan out sides too, because Saturday is really the only day I can grocery shop.

      1. Monika Thiessen

        Cream of chicken soup instead of mushroom is a great alternative. tortilla shells can be frozen. If you know you need 4 (or whatever) for one meal, then put a piece of wax paper between that amount.

  59. Ingrid

    I love this post! I meal plan about a week at a time. I like a lot of variety and I cannot think up meals on the fly. We spend easily $500 a month on groceries. Of course Eli eats all real foods now, but $325 would be almost impossible for us. Im a big fan of frozen veggies, especially in the winter. great for quick stirfrys, stews or soups. I’d say more spices will help too – cumin, curry powder, coriander, rosemary, herbs de Provence, turmeric thyme to name a few. Also dijon mustard, red wine vinegar, coconut milk, and apple cider are pretty standard and cheap in the pantry and usually the base of many recipes. Also chicken breasts give a lot more variety – fajitas, butter chicken, Greek chicken etc. It’s more expensive than ground beef but my list of chicken dishes is way longer than beef. I buy frozen bags at Superstore for $22 (2kgs worth). Although ground beef is great for crockpot meals too . . . The other thing I do is periodically go through all my cookbooks and I have separate lists made of beef meals, chicken meals, crockpot meals, soup meals etc. I write down the name of cookbook and the page number. Then when I want variety or feel we are eating too much of one type of meal, I can use the lists. It’s easier than always flipping through cookbooks because that takes too long each time and I only ever make a few recipes per book anyways

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I would eat a lot more chicken if it was less expensive! I am not good at looking around at different stores for good deals, so it’s nice to hear if hat you have found elsewhere. I will have to check Superstore out! I’ve never grocery shopped there because most people think their aisles are confusing to find items in. But if its cheaper, maybe I should think about it.

  60. Nicole Birrell

    One thing we just started eating more of is stir fry. I buy the Asian frozen veggies, a stir fry sauce, whatever meat we have and serve it over rice. Casseroles are also a great way to add variety to your pasta meals. I do not meal plan but am like you and have our staples and go from there. Our budget is a bit higher then yours at about $150 a week.

  61. Sheila T.

    You probably don’t want to know what I spend a month on groceries. ;) $1000/month or so, sometimes a little less, wouldn’t be much more…except now we just finished up our 1/2 side of beef that we bought last spring, so our meat portion of the groceries will go up. I have too many spices in my spice cupboard to mention, we eat a lot of chicken as well, and I make a fair amount of casseroles. We eat alot of fresh produce, more so veggies than fruit – always a veggie side dish or a fresh salad on the supper table. If a person wants to eat healthy it will always cost more. My monthly grocery bill does not include eating out, which we do very seldom.

  62. Monika Thiessen

    English muffins are a great staple. Tuna melts, left over pulled pork (top with cheese and broil for a few mins), egg and ham with cheese…

      1. Monika Thiessen

        Again, a good price at Costco (they should pay me for all the advertisement) and you don’t run out of them as fast.

  63. Naomi Adamson

    This is such an interesting post! Definitely agree with others that a few more spices wouldn’t go amiss, dried chilli flakes I find come in handy for pretty much anything – soups, casseroles etc… Canned pineapple chunks and sweetcorn. Also apple sauce is great for pork casseroles. Butternut squash is also a great vegetable, ideal for many recipes.
    I work on a similar budget to yours though that wouldn’t include meals out. If any of you have an iPhone epicurious is a great app for finding recipes for odds and ends left in your fridge – you put in the ingredients you have and it supplies some ideas.
    I like lots of variety so do menu plan which for me means less waste. My husband and I critique new recipes tried and if they past the taste test I add them to my recipe book and menu cards sorted into different meats, veg and sweets so like others when lacking inspiration I have something to turn to!

  64. Arlene

    I remember some of the same dilemnas with meal planning, grocery shopping and coming up with new ideas. It was especially hard living in Hudson’s Hope with very limited grocery shopping options. The trips to Fort St. John rotated around stocking up at Safeway and Overwaitea. What outings those were! Then there were the years when time was the issue especially if there were after school activities to drive kids to and from. I recommend getting to know your slow cooker and make lots of casseroles. There’s nothing better than knowing that when you get home, supper is waiting in the oven or wherever because you were on the ball and made it before you left home! Cooked vegetables aren’t that bad especially quickly steamed or sauteed. Gotta keep eating those vegies! Costco is good for big amounts of chicken and bagged frozen vegetables. Good job on the Costco advertising Monika! Now my problem is more that it is hard to cook for just two or three.It’s gets boring eating the same leftovers several nights in a row.
    Happy cooking! Maybe you should ask Tim to plan one meal a week and he can prep it on the weekend! Don’t let him off too easy.

  65. anneliese

    This is so interesting … even the comments! Your menu reminds me so much of how I cooked as a young mom. Not long ago, I found a menu list that I would rotate and I smiled. I think you are doing a great job of budgeting and cooking a variety according to that.
    I agree that some more spices … such as Mexican … do you like Mexican?… would be good. Do you ever make some pizza crusts with you bun dough? Spread on some jarred spaghetti sauce (a good staple), some leftover chili or slopoy joe sauce and cheese. Chicken breasts are expensive, but they go a long way when you cut them up small for a creamy scauce over pasta or rice. That is when onions and mushrooms come in handy … simply cook chicken, add sliced oniions and mushrooms until caramelized, add cream of chicken or mushroom mixed with milk …. or spaghetti sauce for a change. There are so many quick soups to make with broccoli, caulifower, butternut squash. roasted peppers and yams … they make a great winter meal with homemade bread.
    Our budget is about twice yours (not including going out) but we have a lot of company, kids coming over etc. I always have ground beef on hand from a local butcher and buy other meats when they are on sale. I usually get fruits and vegetables from a produce stand.

  66. Monika Thiessen

    You should have gone out and bought a lottery ticket :) Two for two! With all the cups we’ve bought over the years, we are usually asked to “please play again”. We always comment on how polite they are to say “please”.
    Glad you had a fun day just hanging out together.

  67. Monika Thiessen

    I’m sitting here with a big goofy smile on my face! Good thing no one is here to see me. I’m sure I heard him say “peek-a-boo” once. Can’t wait for him to blow me kisses! And, no, I did not see the Charlie Brown impression – but then I don’t think I ever saw the movie, either.

  68. Dalila

    We were also on a very tight budget, so we bought second hand as much as possible. I was able to get a great used stroller that lasted for both kids and then went on to someone else. You are right that everything doesn’t have to be top of the line, perfect. Remember, they use these items for a short time and maybe somebody else can get use out of them too. Share your stuff, don’t get sucked into spending money and make do with less if you have less space! Babies don’t care! Put that money into their college fund!

  69. Chavon

    I thought I didn’t need a swing. When I was gifted it, I was skeptical–“This is silly” but then Clark LOVED it. He would cry everywhere else but plop him in the swing and he was in heaven. Yes, I could have lived without it–but it was nice to have (for me anyway). When I was a baby, I hated the swing.

    Overall, I agree with pretty much everything on your list (although, I do love my pregnancy pillow). Watch out though, I thought Clark would never be attached to a toy. He totally is now and I have no idea how it happened. “Big Bear” went with him everywhere for awhile. It didn’t happen until he was 2 though. Now we’ve limited “Big Bear” to nap and bed time or if he gets a boo boo.

      1. Monika Thiessen

        Larissa, you didn’t get attached to Pinky until Rosalynn came along and started grabbing for it. That’s when you decided that is was only yours and not for sharing.

  70. mamastacey

    Your list is great! I think I pretty much have the same ideas you do. Though I did like using our noisy fan in the nursery, especially once we had more than one child. The fan is pretty useless for moving air, but it makes a nice hum, lol! And it’s definitely a luxury, but I love my baby carriers! I have never owned a new stroller, and second hand baby items are usually easy to come by.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I have one carrier. It’s a simple sling one, so not so great for long distances. I am really hoping to get something like an Ergo one day when I can save up for one, especially when a second baby comes along.

      1. Chavon

        Yes, I still love my ergo for Clark! It’s worth it. We are always on a budget too. Mine was a gift but I was surprised how many can be found second hand.

  71. Aunt Brenda

    After light sanding and cleaning with TSP you would use oil-based primer and then you can use latex paint over top of that (or oil-based paint if you prefer).

  72. Jessi

    Aunt Brenda knows what’s what! Definitely sand and prime before painting. After all the crib painting drama I caused myself I will tell you there are no shortcuts. Have fun with the spindles.

  73. Jessi

    If I had things to do over again I would skip the stroller (it only gets used for luggage on the ferry) and start with a convertible car seat instead of an infant bucket seat. That said, I did have an enormous amount of love for Chavon’s snoogle and I’m a little jealous she gets to use it again.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      So excited she gets to use it again!

      I agree with you about jumping straight to the convertible seat. Our bucket seat stayed in the car the majority of the time.

      I do use my stroller quite a bit though. Probably less if I had an Ergo. :)

        1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

          For us, we just found it so awkward to lug around because they aren’t the easiest things to carry. We ended up just taking Calvin out when we went to church or somebody’s house so he would just sleep on us. It didn’t fit into our stroller, so we had to take him out of the seat anyway, if we went shopping or somewhere for a walk. Since we never had him in it in public, it made it a lot easier for people to ask to hold him and stuff, which I was totally okay with! Some people aren’t, so the seat provides a nice little shield. :) Also, Calvin was so easy going that if he fell asleep in it in the car, he wouldn’t freak out when we woke him up to take him out. Many people like the bucket/infant seat because they can leave the kid in there if they are sleeping, so as not to disturb them.

  74. Naomi Janzen

    There’s a great “liquid sander” product on the market that might spare you some sanding. It bonds with various sealed finishes and gives you a nice, even primer coat to paint over. Try that on one of the legs or spindles, maybe? I’ve got an Ikea book case that I’m going to try it on, because it’s supposed to work equally well on veneer finishes. I think I’m going to paint it a nice, bright colour for the baby’s room once we find out the gender.

  75. mamastacey

    I’m just thinking that a really high gloss paint might make it really slippery. Will that be an issue? Also, I would use paint that is safe, as most babies will suck or chew on their high chairs at some point. Oil may not be the way to go, even if it is more durable.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Calvin chews on EVERYTHING! Thanks for the tip. I’m sure the guys at the hardware store will know what to sell me.

      I’m not sure how slippery it would make it. I do tie him in with a scarf though, so he can’t go too far.

    1. Edie Nichols

      My daughter and I looked at a home for sale……and in the updated country kitchen there was a black antique (recently refinished) that they owners were leaving behind………it was gorgeous!

  76. Monika Thiessen

    I’m loving coming home from Alpha and seeing what Calvin’s been up to! I miss the little man!

  77. Monika Thiessen

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I love how you remain real and don’t worry about adding pictures that may not be the most flattering pictures.:) So many memories… looking forward to seeing what the future holds for you! I love you!!!

  78. Monika Thiessen

    I must say that Calvin looks more like Tim in this picture… and NOT because I’ve seen Tim grumpy at all, but there’s something there that looks like daddy :)

  79. Belle

    I’ve read that when you sign to babies instead of speak to them, they will be delayed in their speech because they won’t have a reason to use it. We never used it and our kids talk. A lot. Finn spoke in full sentences at 14 months.

  80. Naomi Janzen

    Two things…

    First, I think I must be crazy or I must attract crazy people… I’m definitely one of *those* people that attracts that sort of insanity. :-P

    Second, you have way more guts than me. I’ve wanted to get out of my car so many times in similar situations and I’ve never actually done it. I’m in awe of you!

    Have I mentioned I love your blog?

  81. Pingback: Attracting Insanity? -

  82. Bonita

    Reaearch shows that it won’t delay speech, but it can’t “fix” a speech delay. The good news is that if a child is slow to start talking he has a way to communicate. I signed with all four of mine and they are all very verbal and read above grade level…another research proven benefit! Enjoy the Journey!

    1. Monika Thiessen

      1kg hashbrowns
      1 cup grated cheddar cheese
      1/2 – 1 litre sour cream
      1 or 2 cans cream of chicken (or mushroom) soup

      Mix hashbrowns and cheese. Add sour cream and soup. (The sour cream and soup is approx. depending on how moist you want it – sometimes I don’t have enough on hand and then add a little milk so that it’s not so dry). Put into casserole dish and bake at 350 for about 1 hour.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I don’t go looking for things that are on sale. I do my one big shop at the beginning of the month, and I might pick up something extra if its on sale, but it would probably go into the freezer. The rest of the month I normally just buy dairy and produce, so I don’t go into the other sections to see sale items.

  83. Melissa

    That’s so awesome that you got a free book :) We started using photo books as Christmas gifts for grandparents and great grandparents our first Christmas with Karys and it has now become somewhat of a tradtion. I use Costco’s online photo lab to do the books and find it quite easy to work with and appreciate that they offer a fairly wide selection of themes and sizes (they also often have sales around holidays which help keep presents within budget.) My SIL uses London Drugs and I find the quality of their books (mainly the paper) is better than the Costco books, the price is a bit more expensive.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      As far as I know, from my siblings, the Monday isn’t a stat in BC either. They also only got Friday off. Which I think is okay, since two stats would be a lot. I’m not sure why there is an Easter Monday anyway. Good Friday makes lots of sense.

  84. Monika Thiessen

    Thank you for your hospitality! We had a great time and we loved being able to celebrate Easter and Calvin’s birthday with you. We will definitely be back! Hopefully when that white stuff is gone.

  85. Ingrid

    Summer gear like sunglasses and all the summer hats you will need for Calvin (cause you will lose at least 2 during the season!). Sidewalk chalk, some small outside toys that you may want to have during a walk (bucket, shovel, ball). sunscreen and bug spray. All that should fit cutely into those great baskets!

  86. realizinggrace

    That’s a lovely piece of furniture! I loved looking in that store too when we lived close by. Do you have outside toys for Calvin (like buckets and shovels) that could go in a basket there?

  87. Aunt Brenda T.

    Happy 1st Birthday, Calvin!! :) …and Congratulations on the EXCITING NEWS that you are to become the “World’s Best Brother!” Congrats & Blessings all around, Larissa & Tim!

  88. Aunt Sara

    Well Congratulations! I wasn’t able to read Calvin’s entire post as other tasks were at hand…but this definitely caught my attention :)

  89. Monika Thiessen

    I only remember having one craving – popcorn twists! And that was just the one day. And I never did get them. There were things that I enjoyed more and others that I had to avoid, but overall I never had that real craving for something. You are normal :)

  90. Monika Thiessen

    Yeah Calvin! I knew you were too happy of a boy to wake up for no reason. Hope this little trick fixes the waking up problem for good!

  91. Karin

    Hi Larissa, that is a really beautiful area rug in Calvin’s room – where did you buy it? Your pictures are great!!

  92. Monika Thiessen

    That snow does not look good! Dad hit a blizzard today on his way to Pines. I guess it’s still winter in many parts of the country. So glad you got some sunshine last week as a reminder that spring is coming.

  93. Monika Thiessen

    I’ve never been good with a garden. I know it didn’t help that bending over to pick weeds, and later harvest the vegetables, all done in the blazing sunshine, brought on headaches. But the blight on the tomatoes was the final straw for me. Now, dad is enjoying working out in the garden. It seems to be part of his daily routine. So far he’s just concentrating on the flowers and shrubs, but he talks about a vegetable garden.
    Glad you were able to get some advice and encouragement from Tim’s family. Enjoy those veggies! And try adding onion to some of your recipes – just a little will add some good flavour.

  94. Sheila

    We’re going to plant the garden in the next two weeks. We will plant cucumbers, romaine lettuce, lots of tomatoes and a variety of peppers, carrots, radishes, peas, corn, beets and maybe a few pumpkins.

  95. Pingback: Eatin’ Worms « Tim

  96. Naomi Janzen

    I had wanted to comment on your other motherhood post and now I’m sad that it’s gone! :-(

    Every child is different, so there’s no easy fix-all. Just remember – you’re a parent. Your job isn’t to entertain Calvin – you’re teaching him how to grow up into a good adult. Part of that is teaching him to entertain himself. If he can get out of your makeshift playpen, maybe try to track down a real play pen that he can’t escape?

    Toddlers aren’t my forte, but I do have a few tips I’ve picked up along the way…

    Generally speaking, kids Calvin’s age are discovering concepts of space and shapes, as well as sensory learning. Giving him a huge tub of dry rice to play with in the backyard might be a fun and budget-savvy option. Show him different containers and how to pour the rice from one into another. It’ll amaze him because his brain doesn’t understand that something short and wide can potentially hold more than something tall and skinny. Or vice versa. Water play is the same idea – but limited by weather or your willingness to let him soak your kitchen. And kids LOVE bubbles. I swear they don’t grow out of it until they’re 6 or 7. You can get multi packs of fun-shaped bubble wands at the dollar store and make your own bubble solution with dish soap. Anything else to build motor skills will keep him busy too – coloring books, puzzles, blocks, etc. At about 18 months, he might start trying to scribble, so you could start trying to model coloring books to him. (It’s amazing how soothing coloring can even be for us grown-ups. The repetitive motion… kind of like knitting or crocheting. I’ll admit I have a jumbo Harry Potter coloring book I pull out if I’m stressed).

    You could also take walks to the library. The walk will tire him out, and you can let him help you pick out books to read. Let him choose from books that you’ll actually enjoy reading to him and you’ll teach him to enjoy reading. Then in the long term, he’ll be able to entertain himself.

    The biggest problem I ran into when I worked with kids – of all ages – was that they had no idea of how to amuse themselves. They were so used to being entertained by their parents, the TV, or gadgets that they didn’t know how to sit and be content with a book or how to play a game with other kids. That sort of over-stimulation causes HUGE behavioral problems and it’s one of the main reasons I quit working with children. You’re giving Calvin a gift by letting him learn how to amuse himself with blocks and books and simple things at a young age.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Wow! So many good ideas! :)

      Yeah, I have been glad Calvin has been able to pretty much entertain himself with whatever is lying around so far, an I really don’t want to be that parent that always has to have something going on for their children. I just have to learn what will keep him occupied as he grows older and learns new things.

  97. Mikaela

    Yay, you found part 1! I’m a little jealous of the only needing about 6 hours of sleep. Although, Isabel is generally a great sleeper so if I’m not sleeping it’s not her fault. My me time consisted of sitting on the couch reading a book while Is slept.
    You are obviously doing a great job and I like the perspective you share.

  98. anneliese

    I’m with you, Larissa. I’m so glad babies grow into 3 and 4 year olds eventually. Lots more fun when they can talk! Now that the weather is getting nice you will be able to go for walks to the playground and let him play with the water tap and watering can. One season at at time….

  99. Lisa

    Catherine and I are 19 months apart, and I can say that although we are super close and have gone through so much together, there were also a lot of difficulties growing up so close in age. We often did things together such as swimming lessons or piano lessons, which made us kind of competitive and was stressful at times. So really it could be both a blessing and a challenge if it’s a boy :) But I’m sure you already know this!

  100. Lisa

    I’m sure they’ll be buds regardless of gender – who could get in a fight with Calvin anyways? ;)

  101. Katie

    Both of our (BC) ultrasounds were the same as the one you just had, Nathan only came in at the end as the tech worked quietly the rest of the time. Not sure yet what I think you’re having, but hopefully it will be good friends with its closest in age cousin. :)

  102. Anna

    You should tell West Jet about the awesome service. I bet that would warm their hearts.

    Sounds like quite the adventure, especially since I’m assuming you got home not too long ago and way past the normal bedtime.

    I hope you get to see your storm… from the ground.

  103. Monika Thiessen

    All the stairs practice (up, turn around, down) and the slide in the backyard paid off. Love the little man.

  104. Kate

    Everything you like works for me! Except open concept to the living room. Butcher block counters would be a must. I’d never thought about the value of a lever faucet before but it is SO true! Also, the kitchen must be stocked with freshly baked cookies at all times.

  105. mamastacey

    I think each child is a new experience, so even though I was never induced, all of mine were different. My last one being the longest labour! You will know when it’s time :)

  106. Elsie

    I chuckled at your statement about not including mushy gushy statements…..that is how I roll as well. I kept a record of details of my pregnancies. Measurements. Weights. Observations. Are we scientists or something? lol

  107. Jessi

    This story came at a great time for me! I just finished my doula course and I’m loving hearing all about births right now!!

  108. Monika Thiessen

    So much fun to watch! It looked like he was getting dizzy and I kept waiting for him to bump into the cabinet. Give him a big hug and kiss from Oma.

  109. realizinggrace

    He looks like he’s having a very contemplative moment. Perhaps considering the journeys those shoes have been on and where he might yet go in his life. Or he was playing with shoes and got tired?

  110. Katie

    Is it possible that your labour will be longer this time if you are not induced? Just wondering how that effected things since you didn’t have much in the way of “early” labour.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I’ve heard (maybe just once or twice) that inductions can slow down labour, but most of what I’ve read says it doesn’t effect the length of labour, just the intensity of contractions.

  111. Rebekah

    I actually scoffed at the wipes warmer – but the baby fussed when we changed his diaper and used cold wipes. The baby’s uncle gave us several gifts, including the wipes warmer, and the baby doesn’t fuss – in fact, he usually smiles at diaper changing time now!

    I also only slept well with a body pillow (but didn’t buy a special pregnancy one – just a regular one) and feeding is so much easier with the My Breast Friend compared to other pillows – so I would say these are good items to have!

    Finally, all “hard” clothes didn’t work for me during pregnancy or after – so I have been living in yoga pants for months! I think this type of thing is an individual choice/preference.

  112. anneliese

    Okay, you are over my head in how to design that. .but it looks good! It tells the story! I notice your childhood home has a heart and the now home has a star. Different but good!
    PS thanks for the comment on my post yesterday. I’m glad it’s still a way of connecting to home.
    I was encouraged.

  113. Monika Thiessen

    Love his laugh! And he doesn’t really sound too hurt. Glad he’s learning important words.

  114. Chavon

    Moving is so tough when pregnant! Good attitude though Larissa! I did it and survived. My sister-in-law is moving in the middle of pregnancy, and so is Caity–One good thing is you can avoid most of the heavy lifting. You feel a little guilty about it though.

  115. Monika Thiessen

    That’s what we did on our Manitoba trips – pack snacks and toys. We didn’t stop a whole lot, just bathroom breaks, gas fill-ups, and a couple of (packed) picnic lunches. Sometimes we even stopped for a night! You all did really well for the most part. Then, as you got older, you packed your own “carry-on” luggage for the back seats of the van, with books and walkmans. No movies for any of those trips. Those were the days!
    Glad Calvin is learning to entertain himself and that the trip was good!

  116. Monika Thiessen

    Love how you told the story with pictures.
    Maybe it’s the top Heather is wearing, but she barely looks pregnant. You have gotten bigger since the wedding. I was looking at the pictures (of the wedding) and thinking you didn’t even look pregnant on the pics, although I know you did in reality.

  117. Heather

    Lol, didn’t mean to jump on you yesterday about the forward-facing. I was just confused :)

    Our trip to BC when Rowan was just a year old was quite interesting. He needed a lot of entertaining. Two weeks in the same vehicle wore everyone’s patience a little thin!

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Oh, no problem. I wrote this before your comment, and I knew somebody would end up saying something about it! Haha! It’s nice that you are looking out for others.

      Yeah, two weeks WOULD be a lot!

  118. Monika Thiessen

    Michelle, it’s so good to see you enjoying your time with Calvin. Looks like he adores his auntie!

  119. Anna

    Hurray! I’m so happy for you guys. I also hope you turn a huge profit on this place when you sell it next year and move into the house next to ours (hint hint). Congrats!

  120. Jen

    Hi Larissa! I guess I should introduce myself so I stop being a creeper on your blog… haha. I knew Tim and Michelle back in Victoria in 2008 and I somehow stumbled upon your blog, maybe from facebook and mutual friends or something! Anyway, I enjoy reading about your everyday life… because it’s quite similar to mine in some ways! We have an 18 month old little girl and I am due with our second in 2 weeks.. I am a stay at home mom and love it! Anyway, here’s me de-lurking myself… :) have a good day!

  121. Monika Thiessen

    You did good! And I even saw a familiar Victoria face, who made a special trip out to Edmonton to help you move, right? ;)

  122. Anna

    Yay! Your house even came with a Michael! So wonderful. I can’t wait to see what you do with the place!

    You even have a fabulous back splash!

  123. Monika Thiessen

    The phone comment made me smile and remember when Chris and I went to Mexico with her granddaughter, M would race into the room ahead of us all the time and head straight for the phone, grab paper and pen and just jabber. I don’t know if she actually was able to ever hit the right numbers to call anyone.

  124. tsevenhuysen

    Taking Tylenol 3s was great for when I broke my ankle. Much better than the morphine pills I’d been given before.

  125. Monika Thiessen

    Ouch is right! If you didn’t want to miss out on what other kids experience, you should have done this together with Darren or Rosie. Now just Nathan is left to find out what it feels like. And the codeine in T3’s gives you a buzz the first few times, but you get immune to that.

  126. Pani

    Totally couldn’t agree more! Thinking about what to budget for in the next couple of months, I have put into question what is a necessity and what is a luxury. There should be more blog posts like this!

  127. anneliese

    Ouch, is right! It’s good you went to get it taken care of. Oops, I just noticed your mom said the same thing! It’s an invonvenience right now … I’m sorry.

  128. Anna

    I can’t believe how soon baby #2 is coming! I also think it’s awesome that Calvin says wow about his little sibling’s heartbeat.

    I also really enjoy topless Calvin in the background of that picture. Hilarious. (Meant in a non-creepy way…)

  129. Chavon

    My appointments are totally the same. I never ask any questions and they are just quick–measure belly, listen to heartbeat, check blood pressure, pee in cup (Not in that order but seems like that’s all we have been doing for 9 months).

  130. Heather

    I love my appointments with my midwife. They are scheduled for an hour, though we don’t always use all the time. We chat about all sorts of stuff, and she gives me the low down on all the tests, which I can decline if I wish. I haven’t had to pee in a cup since my first appointment. So much nicer than the rush of visiting my doctor.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I would have considered having a midwife for this pregnancy for that more personal, not so clinical feeling, but they do not deliver in hospitals here in Alberta unfortunately, and I am not interested in a home birth.

  131. Elsie

    You are so clever, Larissa! I have never thought of the possibility of reversing the door of my dryer which also opens the wrong way. After reading this I looked at my dryer door and sure enough there are little spots to put the screws in on the other side. Duh!!

  132. Anna

    I’m pretty excited that you said it wasn’t your forever home. But I’m also excited for your nice bathroom and can’t wait to see what it looks like.

  133. Julie Thiessen

    Hi Larissa, I love following your blog. You are very entertaining! The bathroom colour is a great improvement, much brighter and personable.As you take on a project at a time you will have your house looking the way you want it in no time. I look forward to future posts and news of a beautiful little addition to your family.

  134. lori


    You have no clue who I am but I found your blog awhile back through For Everything A Season and have been a blog follower of Mennonite Girls Can Cook for some time, I am enjoying your fun way of writing too ! Congrats on your new place!


  135. Anna

    Yay for no more bathroom spatula!

    I would LOVE to come over to help out in exchange for meals and Calvin snuggles. Sadly, it will have to wait.

    The bathroom also looks so much better! Job well done.

  136. Kate

    “But for me, a girl with a small emotional spectrum, offense is one of the extremes I rarely experience.” Ha! Larissa, you are spectacular.

  137. Julie Thiessen

    God makes us all unique and our uniqueness is something to be treasured! Cherish your easy going nature, as it is a much needed trait in our crazy overly dramatic world!

  138. jdildy

    Ethan uses Dada for lots of things too… I think it’s supposed to be “that – that?” he says it when he points to things he wants us to notice or explain. When he says Dada in reference to Clifton it’s always creepy whisper.
    The animal signs are pretty funny even though they aren’t all that useful. Ethan knows the sign for music which is the first thing he asks for in the morning. The sign for ouch/hurt is pretty useful. You can teach him the sign for baby or brother/sister?

  139. Katie

    You’re not supposed to sign to babies *instead of* speaking to them, you’re supposed to use the sign while speaking the word to them so that they make the association. Just so you know. You could try toilet, diaper or another “potty” word that may come in helpful if you’re thinking of training him soon. I’d be curious to see what other words you or others use that actually prove helpful. The family ones like mom, dad, grandma and grandpa might be fun. Not as useful, but could be cute. :)

  140. Katie

    OOh, I love projects like this! Cork board can be pretty pricy in the format you have drawn, but IKEA has stick-on panels that you could use in that space which I believe are much cheaper. Just so you know! Looks like a great idea to me! I would add pretty baskets for extra storage.

    1. Sarah

      Looks good, Larissa!
      Regarding the cork, do check out the local dollarstores, too. I got some crafting cork recently there for a great price :D

  141. Heather

    I find it interesting that the doc wanted to do an induction again, just cause it was fast. I don’t think I have ever heard that before. Babies are born in places other than the hospital all the time :). We are also about 5 minutes from the hospital, and my labours have all been pretty quick as well. With Miriam we were at the hospital for only 30 minutes when she was born. And I would be so miserable staying home for so long afterwards!

  142. Chavon

    Agreed Larissa! Some days I need company and go out. Some days I need the quiet baby snuggles. I certainly don’t see the need to hide my baby from others or germs. With number two the biggest challenge is being up and ready to go before Clark goes for nap. It means for lots of days inside. Yes, baby number two is usually faster–but I don’t see why you’d need to be induced. At the same time, my doctor stated that, if you have successfully had a natural birth, being induced with number two doesn’t pose any risks (C-section etc). Every delivery is different and it IS weird to think of how it will be different the second time. Mine was faster by two hours and my water didn’t break and I was much braver :-) I was less afraid and more excited to meet the new Barry Family addition. I can’t wait to see yours!!

  143. anneliese

    The shelf is cute! I was studying it and I think you are having a girl!
    I saw your packed bag, but you know what else I saw? My old bedroom dresser.
    I worked for that one summer many moons ago. =)
    Hard to beleive it’s still around.

  144. Lisa

    great glasses who makes them ? What style are they ? I looked thru all the glasses @ clearly contacts can’t find yours

  145. Chavon

    You look absolutely radiant! Can’t wait for cute newborn photos. Also I love the sound of those winter days. They are just like ours and I love them too:-)

  146. Catherine

    Speaking of furniture that used to belong to other people – that change table still has some very fond memories attached to it from the time when it was in my bedroom as a small child. After ot was a change table, I stored my stuffies in the big compartment. :)

  147. Karissa

    Congratulations, you guys! So great to welcome this little guy to the world! (Also, I love the literary connection to his name :) ) Hope your first few days together are going well!

  148. sylvia

    Congratulations to Calvin and his parents Tim, and Larrissa with the arrival of baby Victor!!! Many blessings on you all!

  149. Anna

    He’s just so perfect! Congratulations to you and Tim and Calvin on adding another little guy to the family, and one as good looking as his brother, too!

  150. Sue

    Congratulations on Victor’s arrival and that you managed to blog on his birth day. Kudos to you! and hugs all around. You must all be thrilled.

  151. Jessi

    So excited! I think boys might be growing on me a little bit… Huge congratulations to you all. Well done Larissa! Can’t wait to hear more about Victor’s birth story. No rush though – enjoy all those sweet newborn snuggles and rest whenever you get the chance.

  152. Anneliese

    I have to smile as well that you managed to blog! What a precious treasure to thank God for!
    I’m glad your mom can be there and enjoy this time of holding him and helping out. All the best you your growing family.

  153. Aunty Catherine

    Thanks for posting this! It makes me feel closer to the action a bit. Thank goodness for the internet! What would long-distance families do without it? Love you all!

  154. Amy

    Glad it went so smoothly! Great pic of the 4 of you, really, after just having a baby and everything you look fantastic :)

  155. Amy

    So sweet. Agreed. grandparents are so amazing.
    Also, funny you mention the tablet being a problem later on. Wren has played with my sister and my mother in laws ipad and she talks about them all the time even though we don’t have one and she rarely uses them. They are instant and long lasting addictions I think!

  156. anneliese

    What a great tribute to your parents! I bet they loved being there, especially knowing it is appreciated. I know what you mean by the live in situation. I’ve been there too. All the best as you continue to adjust to life with two kids. Looking forward to seeing you next month, hopefully.

  157. anneliese

    Calvin is a good big brother! Love how he works toward that hug!
    I can see you have your hands full, though. Victor might be eating solids way sooner than you plan. =)

  158. Jenny

    Isaac loves doing puzzles and colouring pages on the iPad. There are fun interactive pop-up stories and games focused on learning the alphabet too. Those are the apps I feel least guilt about. Lol. Better than Fruit Ninja…

  159. Tim Sevenhuysen

    In my opinion, the “dangers” of too much screen time are a) they get less exercise, and b) potential harm to their eyes. If what they’re doing is just watching TV shows or something maybe there’s a risk of them not developing creative thinking skills, etc., too.

    I’ve searched around and found no real evidence of harm to their eyes. As for exercise, that means it’s our job to get him up and running around more.

    For creative thinking and learning, I think the iPad is pretty good, actually, so that doesn’t really worry me. What worries me a lot more is putting him in front of the TV and letting him zombify with a kids’ show on. We don’t really let him do that.

  160. anneliese

    You have a lot of interesting memories and pictures there! Interesting to note for myself…that Herb’s parents are most likely on that group photo as they come to Paraguay as teens in 1930.
    I wonder who took the photo? And that bottle tree is a great picture! also the trees in Brazil brought back memories. That anthill is huge! Have to smile about those who had no choice but to be buried beside the convicted person …
    You took an opportunity of a lifetime to go on this trip with Oma.

  161. Robyn @ One Neurotic Egghead

    I am the complete opposite and HAVE to have a list or else we leave an embarrassing amount of things behind. The last time I travelled without a list we had no pi’s or toiletries. Seriously, not even toothbrushes. I think I just get too excited about the trip! But I have made a reusable list, so I just plug in the stuff I need for this particular trip and pack away. We don’t do as much laundry, so normally as laundry gets done I add stuff to a bag, then the day before I actually grab stuff from drawers and closets.

    But I LOVE coming home to a clean house too and usually just before a trip is when my house looks the nicest!

  162. Naomi Janzen

    Cleaning the house is THE most important thing you can do before going on a trip. Andrew didn’t know this, so we got back from our honeymoon at 2 am and had to make the bed. Worst! Ever! :-P

    I used to be way more paranoid with lists and such, but I’ve grown out of it. I do start parking a suitcase a few days to a week in advance. Pretty much, if I wash it and it’s clean and I’m taking it with me but wont need it before we leave, I’ll put it in the case. I have a refillable set of airline approved toiletry bottles, so I tend to keep those filled and ready to go all the time so I’ll maybe pop them in when I get the suitcase out. Mostly, I tend to do it in advance just because if I’m trying to do it the night before I’ll get myself stressed and uptight. If anyone ever manufactures a chill pill, I should really buy a few. :-P

  163. Anna

    Yay! We just landed in Calgary (1:20) and are waiting for a gate to open up. I’m glad your trip was uneventful with just that one ferry delay. Our tired minds appreciate this update :)

  164. Monika Thiessen

    Thanks for the travel-log! Loved it! I thought about you driving right past our place around 7. Wanted to go to the highway and at least wave.

  165. Amy

    This was actually fun to read! Usually blog posts about toddler/baby travel is so…easy sounding? Haha. A long day but hope you guys have a great Christmas! Those boys (and their parents) are troopers to make that trip :)

  166. TamaraG

    So excited for you! I love our good camera. I’m currently looking for some mini photography/how to use your camera classes. A lot of photographers will do these for really great dealsm

  167. Monika Thiessen

    Glad the weather was warm enough to get out for a bit. Take advantage of those moments. The boys will love that.

  168. Monika Thiessen

    Sounds like it was a fun day!Good introduction to sleeping in a big bed – now you know what to expect. So good to see Victor smiling and not looking so serious.

  169. Monika Thiessen

    So that’s why he put himself to bed before lunch that day. I wondered if maybe he wasn’t feeling well. Glad he’s back to normal!

  170. Grandma Arlene

    I was going to comment on his slippers too! What a guy! I have some dinosaurs here for him that might look familiar to you Tim.

  171. Anna

    I don’t think your boys will mind slightly girly things. Tim let you have floral couches, after all. You just need some more hockey paraphernalia in there and you’ll be good to go.

  172. Chavon

    Leo is the exact same way–Clark not at all. I haven’t figured it out. All I can say is that the gag reflex seems to have lessoned. He’ll actually swallow the food but I have to trick him (smile) into eating it. Sometimes I just put a little on the tip of his tongue and let him bring it back. Overall though, he hasn’t really moved onto solids yet. I need some tips too.

  173. anneliese

    It was a beautiful wedding! Your photos allowed for some reminiscing. Shaun and Kristal had just moved back to Abbotsford and it was so nice to have more of our family there. Happy Anniversary!

  174. anneliese

    Calvin is looking more and more like you, The Thiessen representation was very small at the family gathering this year. Maybe next time will be better. I guess we all take our turns. As along as everyone comes back when they can … it’s all good.

  175. anneliese

    The individual portraits are beautiful! I can well imagine how much your mom would love to have those boys closer! She was always the baby lover in the family. Glad she could be there for the birthday and make it a party.

  176. Lisa Sevenhuysen

    Nice! I bet you could eventually throw in a little interior deco or upcycling (I think that’s the term) down the road. All the best!

  177. anneliese

    You and Julene are so alike in that. I like my space organized as well and to get permission to organize someone’s counter or closet would be fun, but challenging, because you never know what is important to someone else. I guess when it’s a job, that would al be clarified and they would trust you to do it right. Maybe, because I like to organize, I could not trust someone else to organize my stuff. Does that make sense? I wish you all the best! Sounds like fun!

  178. Monika Thiessen

    45 minute dinner out… sounds like some of our dates. A nice practical night out.

    You’d think that the old fashioned phones would be a little cheaper. If you get one that is actually attached to the wall, it will last longer than the cordless battery operated ones. Too bad I didn’t save any of those old rotary dial phones for you ;)

  179. Julie Thiessen

    Good for you! Date nights are so important for a young couple to enjoy. I remember thinking we couldn’t afford to go out so we didn’t but looking back I think we should have just gone. Find a friend to share babysitting duties and if all you do is go for coffee at Tim Horton’s make sure you find time for just you two!

  180. Monika Thiessen

    I really enjoy seeing/reading about your BC holiday from your view point. And I love those pics of Dad and Calvin having mate. Calvin looks like he’s sharing a good story with Grandpa!

  181. Katie

    I don’t think I’ve ever been to Government House. I’ll have to make a note to check it out next time! Our tradition is Beacon Hill ice cream. :)

    1. Tim Sevenhuysen

      There is! You just have to have little kids around to wake you up early enough to find out.

      They had continental stuff out really early though, so we would grab muffins or croissants or things.

  182. Hilary

    I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be a homebody. It’s wonderful that you feel relaxed in your own home… That is a special blessing.
    If you feel like you should be hanging out with friends more often, how about inviting them over for a cup of tea? Or a movie?
    Enjoy your home, Larissa! And never be ashamed of loving the home life. I bet there are many who secretly wish to have it, too.

    Thanks for keeping us victorians updated

    1. Monika Thiessen

      I just realized I left this comment on the wrong post. I didn’t even see this one until now. I guess I’ll have to blame that on my small phone screen.
      I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. I think that’s the way I also felt the first years of being a mom. Once I was out and about though, I found lots of errands to take care of. Today a lot of those errands can be taken care of from the comfort of your home.

  183. Anna

    I might be turning into you. Being stuck inside has become one of my favourite pastimes since we moved. But, yep, sometimes it’s lame.

  184. Karissa

    Oh man, that Victor is super cute! Those cheeks! Also, you’re such a good wife to organize meals for Tim while you’re away – I would definitely let Peter figure that out on his own :) Happy travels!

  185. Anna

    Happy birthday to Victor! It’s hard to believe he used to look so serious all the time when he’s so happy now. What a great kid! (And Calvin too, of course)

  186. Brenda T.

    Happy 1st Birthday Victor! … ’tis hard to believe how the time flies. Very cute photos of two very adorable little boys.

  187. Monika Thiessen

    There are some cute pictures in the bunch! This brought tears to my eyes and made me sad that I missed his party.

  188. Karissa

    Very sweet! I love celebrating with our families but I also can’t wait to start our own traditions on our own. And yeah, assembling gingerbread houses is the worst part.

  189. Julie Thiessen

    Beautiful and sweet and so adorable! Adam used to sneak out of his room and sleep on the bottom of the stairs near the diningroom.

  190. Monika Thiessen

    What sweet pictures! I better make sure I have enough books for him. I’m still missing the ones I had to throw out because of the flooding.

  191. Monika Thiessen

    I would be so excited for you to have a little girl, but I also know you will love whatever God has already decided for you! We, also, will love the little one. Congrats again :)

  192. Monika Thiessen

    You complain so seldom, so, yes, you have every right to complain :) I would complain about the endless winters as well.

  193. Anna

    Dang you’re getting old! I’m glad you’re not anxious about the upcoming ultrasound. Hopefully all goes well and you find out what you’re having, too. I can’t wait to hear.

  194. anneliese

    Oh wow! I did not expect to find out already! And, to be honest, I was wishing for a girl for you too.But, over and over, we realize what is really important and those babies come wrapped with such innocence and love, you can’t help but thank the Lord for another one! (be it boy or girl again) I smile at how you said you are tired for your future self. Could be true, but boys can also be easier on the emotional level when you pass through those teen years.

  195. J. Shaw

    Once you’ve gone through losses, trouble conceiving etc. you will be happy with whatever God gives you, praying only for a healthy baby. Think of how many women would do anything to be in your situation.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Hi there! Thanks for visiting.

      Yes, I know that there are many people who have had experienced losses. I personally know a handful and hurt with them. However, I am sharing my experience and with my experience comes my own set of emotions and feelings. I cannot quench them just because somebody else has a different background with fertility.

  196. Monika Thiessen

    How have I missed this post??? Anyway, Calvin, you are a great addition to our family. We love you lots and look forward to seeing all that God has in store for you.

  197. Anna

    It’s amazing how much difference little changes make. Your house definitely says “Larissa” more now than it did before.

    I can’t believe you made those floral curtains! Now you’ve got me thinking about changing our living room curtains to something brighter.

    And the dining area looks so much brighter now. Bye bye, poopy brown!

  198. anneliese

    So nice to get new windows and curtains. I can well imagine how you are appreciating this. I love, love clean windows. I especially like the makeover in your eating area!

  199. Monika Thiessen

    thanks for the update! It was good to see all the pics! Sure do miss you all. I will see you soon!

  200. Anna

    This looks amazing! I’m totally going through my house after a year of everything accumulating and trying to come up with space saving ideas- this looks so functional and pretty!

  201. Anna

    Maybe try buying more floral print clothes? And wear headbands! You could totally rock headbands.

    I’ve started the clean kitchen thing and it does wonders for my sanity.

    Want more company and play dates? We’ll be right over.

    I can’t wait to meet your little dude! Now if only he’d hurry it up…

  202. Sheila

    All the best with baby boy 3!
    You will do just fine with 3 boys in the house, and just think, you never have to deal with the drama that girls can bring…that’s how I look at it. 3 boys is pretty cool, especially when they are teenagers. I must admit I enjoy having 3 teenage boys in the house.
    As far as feeling feminine amongst 4 males in my house I always dress feminine at home, and when I leave. I can’t stand leaving the house frumpy, makes me feel frumpy then. Summery skirts and sun dresses in the summer do the trick for me. Nice jewelry, etc.
    the only thing I would say I’m missing out on is the shopping. I loved my Winnipeg shopping trips with my mom when I was a pre-teen and teenager…something that my boys don’t like doing, except zach, but if he shops he goes with his friends. Oh well, 3 boys will be fun…just think of all those baseball, hockey, soccer games etc that you’ll get to go to. ;)

  203. anneliese

    Thank you for the little visit I could have here! Love the photos of grandparents with them and them relating to each other.

  204. Anna

    I feel the same way about this! I kind of feel like best friends are labels when we’re kids but as we grow up they become less defined. Someone referred to me as her best friend the other day half jokingly (I think?) and it caught me off guard. I forgot that those relationships don’t need to be laid out anymore. There are no BFF DTRs.

    P.S. Love the flashback pictures. You really are living proof that bangs aren’t for everyone. #freetheforehead

    -Friend #5

  205. Karissa

    Making friends as an adult is so hard! It’s been the hardest part of our past two moves since we left Victoria, for sure. When I meet someone I want to be friends with I always worry that I’m coming on too strong or that they won’t like me. Sometimes it feels like dating all over again! (Which I also hated!) So far I’ve found that having a baby can provide more opportunity for meeting people but I often worry about becoming one more demand on some busy mom’s time. My solution has been to try and extend an invitation a couple of times in (hopefully) an open-ended way and them leave it in the other person’s hands.

  206. cjsevenhuysen

    Larissa I was so surprised to see the “over sharing” comment, but I understand what you mean. I too feel very insecure about friendships and my coping mechanism has always been family. Having four older siblings always made me feel like “I’m not a loner, they care about me!”. It isn’t a perfect coping mechanism, but it certainly helps me!

  207. Monika Thiessen

    Over the years I have prayed for you to have special friends to share your life with. I know how hard it is for you to make that effort and yet I know that you are a great friend! You are loyal, trustworthy, supportive, and real. I know the importance of having that friend that you can turn to at any time. That friend that you can truly be yourself with. God will continue to bring those kinds of friends into your life. And it’s great that it’s so easy to keep up with friendships across the miles these days! Love you!

  208. Heartha

    Larissa I enjoyed your post and can relate to your friendship dilemma. I myself have been in your position more than once over the years. I have had the same longings for a bestie. Looking back I can say I have had quite a few for a season. Some have moved away, some have passed away, some have drifted away with church moves etc. after Barb died I was gutted. Eventually I made another close friend but when we left Oaklands and she did not we drifted away but it really could not be helped. I have learned to enjoy the season and not worry about the length of time the friendship will or won’t be. I have also learned to make sure Neil is my number one friend. This has kept our relationship healthy and strong and me feeling good when I don’t have a girl bestie to share with. I also am much more patient regarding friendships. Helps me not over share and potentially scare people away. God truly knows who we need in our lives and for how long. Right now I am in the process of building some new friendships and having a lot of fun doing it.

  209. Monika Thiessen

    Buy a bunk bed that comes apart. That’s what the boys had. It was a bunk when they were upstairs and twin beds when they moved into the basement.

  210. Karissa

    Looks great! Amazing how paint can make a space look so much wider! I think our house had that same brown on two of the walls when we moved in. The previous owners chose to pair it with a mustard yellow on the other two walls. We re-painted in a white as well!

  211. Anna

    Painting trim is the WORST. I think replacing it would be less work but then it’s no longer a naptime activity.

    Your house looks so good! Hurray for getting rid of the poop colours!

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      I’ve definitely thought about replacing it all. It’s actually funny. Since pairing all the trim, I’ve come to see how many different types are used in our house. And I wonder why the best stuff is in the closets.

  212. Anna

    I’m very behind three times and just discovered this post. I didn’t realize Calvin and Victor were sharing a bed. How Little House on the Prairie! (At least that’s what popped into my head, I’m not sure if they actually did that or not.) Did you get bunk beds yet? That’s clearly the cool mom thing to do. Your mom’s suggestion seems very wise, too.

    Patrick does not look impressed by the prospect of being kicked out of your room.

  213. Karissa

    This is great! I don’t find being a stay-at-home parent hectic for many of these some reasons but I do sometimes wonder what it might be like when we have more than one kid. I’m glad to hear that it doesn’t have to be crazy!

  214. anneliese

    I guess I should say something because I know I’m one who has said that to you. By being busy, I don’t necessarily mean going from here to there and having lots on the go. Nor is it about getting lots of things done. What I see when there are little ones around is that mom has to think about their needs… whether it be changing a diaper, taking someone to the toilet, wiping their bum, dressing them, feeding them, keeping them occupied with good things, wiping up spills, folding tiny clothes, building things, putting puzzles together, finding the lost piece, reading stories, settling them when they are upset or fighting, bathing them, putting them to bed, cleaning up toys . . . it’s the idea of always thinking about someone else and thinking for them, making them comfy and happy, doing what they can’t do for themselves.. I know we as moms and grammy’s love them and are happy to do these things, but it’s an unselfish kind of stage in which you are busy being in the shoes of three little ones who can’t do life without you.
    I guess that’s what I mean.

    Like you, I was not a mom who got involved in all kinds of things that got me out of the house.
    We all manage this early childhood stage in different ways. I liked feeling in control by being home, while some of my friends needed the inspiration they got by getting out. When my kids got older, I made a total turn around, sometimes feeling like we lived in the car. But I loved it! So, like I’ve said . . . for everything a season, and for each person that may look different. Being content is a gift.

    Love, aunt Anneliese

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Yes, Katie brought up these same thoughts on my link to this post on Facebook. But I’ve never looked at those tasks as “busy work” either. I’m not sure why it feels different to me than to others.

  215. Monika Thiessen

    So often we are asked “what would you do different”. An acquaintance once asked me what would I do again, what did I do right. That hit home with me because we do tend to focus on the negative instead of the positive. You’re learning that at a much younger age than I did!

  216. Monika Thiessen

    Loved reading about your winter! So glad the boys are at an age where they can be outside and make their own fun – even if it means more dirt for you to clean up. Calvin will love being more active on a team! He will be 4 soon so he will also be able to verbalize some of those emotions that he is experiencing – it gets easier :)

    Love the last two pictures. I need one for my fridge, please.

  217. Sheila

    I’ve always loved your hair, and as far as figuring out a style for clothes, it will eventually come to you. I can’t wear crew neck shirts for the same reasons as you, I feel like a football player and very manly if I wear crew neck. Vneck is the way to go for us well endowed gals.
    I think if you feel good about what you’re wearing you will carry yourself with confidence and that’s important, superficial or not. I refuse to leave my house looking like a frump.

  218. Hilary

    My hair also changed during pregnancy. I lost some curls in the first half but it’s seemed to come back….
    I also struggle with jewelry. But having one or two favourite pieces at easy grasp has helped me. And accessories like scarves or a fun pair of shoes or a bright bag can make me feel more feminine.
    Do you have a used site like varagesale in Edmonton? Or maybe a good – quality used store? Sometimes you can find items at great prices.
    No matter what though, you always look fabulous in the photos I see on fb. And I’m sure your boys think you’re the most beautiful lady they know.

  219. Wendy

    Thanks for blogging about this Larissa! It’s so true that it can be just a few little changes that can make us feel more “put together” right on!

  220. Anneliese Friesen

    I had to re-read the part hat you have not shampooed your hair for 5 years several times. I cannot imagine what I would look like with my limp, greasy, fine hair after one week, never mind ….
    Okay, you do have beautiful hair Larissa, but I also appreciate what you are saying, because my hair used to by curly as a teen and I did not like it then. Now there have been times I’ve wished for curls again.

  221. Karissa

    I think we have the exact opposite hair! Mine is so straight that even if I curl it, it straightens out again within hours. I secretly hoped pregnancy would give it more volume but, nope. It’s boring but I’m used to it. We always want a little bit of what we don’t have, right?

  222. Anna

    This was great! I do really enjoy my stuff, but it’s funny when you mention more books being more things to dust. I should probably do that once or twice.

    I do like having a place for everything to go, and as I was reading this two problem spots in our house popped into my mind. Must try harder with those.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      When I say “books for the sake of books”, I don’t mean a bookshelf full of ones you enjoy and love to own. I am talking about buying books because you have a shelf to fill. Your bookshelves are great!

      1. Anna

        People do that? That’s crazy! I have more books than shelf space, how could anyone possibly need to buy books just for the heck of it?

  223. Karissa

    I love this! I am much more sentimental and do hold on to things a bit too much but have also lived in a lot of small places and so am constantly sorting and purging. So far I’ve found that babies/kids don’t NEED that much. As you say, one blanket can do a lot of different things!

  224. Bethany

    Hello I’m new to your blog but it peaked my interest as I am also a 3 boy mom on the Praries due with our 4th (I am 32 weeks and we like to fine out the gender at delivery) and secretly hoping for a girl too. I look forward to reading more about your journey!

  225. Donna M

    Thanks for sharing what is on your heart, Larissa. Will pray for God’s peace for you as you go through this motherhood journey.

  226. Monika Thiessen

    This mother’s heart is praying for a daughter for you. But, I also know that you will make an awesome mom of 4 boys! Praying for you. May God give you His peace and may He give you the desires of your heart! Love you and all those boys of yours!!

  227. MommaNeuf

    Thanks for sharing. We have three young boys (living on the prairies too!) and have just decided to go ahead and try for a fourth baby. Many of the same feelings you expressed I have felt and continue to process and give over to the only one who is in control and knows best, God. Blessings as you continue the journey of motherhood!

  228. Anna

    I’m so excited for little Sevenhuysens #4. Whoever this kid, he or she will be awesome.

    Hopefully your anxiety goes away. We’re praying for you guys :)

  229. anneliese

    I loved reading your honest feelings here and can’t help but wish for a girl for you!
    That being said, I also know that another boy will come with all the love needed and would make things a lot easier. Isn’t it strange to have to think about what other people expect? I remember feeling like others were even happier than I was that we had a boy after two girls. So they may have been disappointed if we’d had another girl, but I would have still been happy.

  230. Lucy

    I’ve followed your blog. From baby centre. I’m happy you’re getting your girl but at the same time I’m sad for the fact that a boy wouldn’t have had you this ecstatic. I hope you get a healthy baby after all this cause that is what truly matters.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Hi Lucy, thanks for tagging along!
      I appreciate your concern for my own emotions, but they are just that. Mine. I learned a while back that everybody feels differently in the same situation, and just because I do not react the same way, doesn’t mean the other person’s emotions aren’t valid. This has helped me tremendously when I thought that somebody was feeling emotions that had me confused and, sometimes, disgusted.
      A boy would have been equally loved. Not having a girl wouldn’t giving me a need to grieve a little.

  231. Karissa

    Your boys do show excitement, it just happens to be centred around the balloon more than the thought of a little sister! I’m sure they will be even more excited when she’s actually here and I know she’ll be greatly loved by you all!

  232. Anna

    I love how the balloons were the most exciting part of the whole announcement for Calvin. I got a little teary thinking about how you finally get your girl. I’m just so excited and happy for you! I also approve of you making the perfect little best friends for my kids.

  233. Anneliese Friesen

    Tickled pink! A daugher is someone who can become your confidant in a way that a son can’t. Both are significant in your life, yet in different ways, So I’m happy that you get to experience both.

  234. Anna Morton

    We bought some pink baby cloths when Parker was born because they were on sale. We still use them. Why not just use the cute pink ones with the girl?

    I’m surprised you didn’t have more girl stuff! I was expecting to see some hardcore florals in that bin. I guess they’re in the mail ;)

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Well, we just don’t need more cloths around. I’ll use what we already have!

      All this stuff was just what was given to us prior to Calvin being born. I never added anything to it, otherwise you bet there would be florals!

  235. Anneliese Friesen

    Ha! Gotta love that picture of me looking into the distance. Wonder what I was so preocupied with while holding my sweet niece?! We took the strangest pictures back in the day. Also had to smile at the sleepers Oma thought would be okay for a boy. I’m glad you kept them.

  236. Laura

    I don’t have kids yet but this is something I think about! My brother and I were 13 months apart, and my mom said she loved having two so close together! And then our sister was born nine years later, and it is the dream of any 9 year old girl to have her very own baby to play with! I loved to help my mom with her! I think there are definitely pros to close kids and big spaces!

  237. Anna

    I love this! While my two pales in comparison to your four, I agree with you about everything. Fortunately for us, we don’t have to change diapers for as many years. (Hopefully…)

    I really like the idea of getting through the younger stages all at once, but I have to say I was really enjoying the toddler stage until we added a newborn. I didn’t think I’d like a toddler as much as I did. I mean, I still do, it’s just not as easy with two kids.

    You’re a superstar mom and will totally have earned that week long, hormone-free vacation.

  238. Anneliese Friesen

    I like how you handle things in stride, Larissa and I smile at your honesty as I can relate to not being good at “playing” with toddlers. I love it when they can talk and you can have interesting and funny conversations which may be funnier to a Grandma than a mom. =)
    I know that as my kids grew I kept thinking every stage was the best…. until they left home one by one… that part was hard and I wished I had one more to keep at home. I realized the having them close makes that part go fast. For a time I felt lost as to who I was. But after they were actually all married I was totally content and I love being back to two! Yay!!!

  239. Karissa

    I think you’re right when you say that you’re used to what you’re used to and that becomes the norm. I definitely would have liked to have kids closer in age and I would have considered having more but now I will be really happy to have two healthy kids, if that’s what the Lord gives us. We were married for a few years before we had Pearl and I don’t regret it at all. I think (for us, at least) it gave us a strong foundation and made the transition to parenthood easier. Hope the last few weeks of pregnancy are treating you well!

  240. Elaine

    Just the other day I was thinking about my daughter (46) and her four children, and counted up the years from start to finish. I thought “did she really have four in five years!?” I had to calculate and recalculate and kept coming up with the same results. :) She thoroughly enjoyed those years (of course there were many frustrations) and probably would have had more!, but the doctor advised against it as her uterus was quite thin. (She had four c-sections) She is now dealing with her 17 year old (oldest) preparing to leave for college in the fall. It is especially hard to come to this point in her life, as she enjoys motherhood so much…well, maybe the teen years have been more challenging. Having three boys first, you most likely won’t have to deal as much with the fluctuating hormones of puberty. :) Blessings on your family as you welcome this little girl in to your lives.

  241. Monika Thiessen

    There are so many things to love about this! I love how the boys already love their sister. I love how they are growing in their independence (playing together nicely). I love how you are needing those feminine touches. But mostly I love how you adapt to all the changes in your life (so many in the last 10 years). You have grown up into a beautifully responsible, practically thinking adult! So proud of you! Love you.

  242. Anna Morton

    I love this.

    I hope you got to take good advantage of that alone time the other day. I love that Calvin and Victor play so nicely together! Hopefully Patrick’s world doesn’t end. He’s such a cuddle bug.

    Here’s to the season of baby girl. May your labour be painless and your delivery in the hospital.

    Love you guys.

  243. Jen

    Been following you off and on for a while… We knew some of the same people back in Victoria (from IVCF). Hope all goes well and baby girl is here soon!! Also, following, literally, as we are expecting our fourth in September (however, gender is unknown… We have one girl and two boys so far :)

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      Hi Jen! Thanks for stopping by! I would have loved to have another surprise, but I couldn’t do it in our situation. If I had already had a girl and a boy though, for sure! All the best to you!

  244. Robyn

    Yay! I love that you have a blog and we get to read about all these exciting moments! Congratulations you beautiful family!

  245. Anna Morton

    I love this! Her name story, her birth story, how the boys react to her… It’s all just so wonderful. Not the bleeding and tearing part, obviously, but everything else.

  246. Anneliese

    Beautiful family! Thank you for the story behind the name! It is given at such a precious time – Oma still recognizes the significance and feels honored! This will likely be the last of her great grandchildren that she will remember the name of and that is special! Grace is beautiful for its meaning . BTW did you know that the Erika flower is heather?

  247. Lovella Schellenberg

    I’m so happy for you! Erika Grace, you are beautiful ! I’ve loved your great grandma for so long. May you be blessed and be a blessing!

  248. Chrissy Ens

    We had 4 kids in 5 years and I’m really happy with our choice too. I would have had another but was told I shouldn’t after a uterine rupture, which was very difficult to get over mentally and sometimes results in me thinking “why didn’t I saver it?! Why did I have baby upon baby instead of enjoying every single cute cuddly moment before it was lost in pregnancy sickness and another babe to care for?” But at the time I was so anxious to have the whole family “here” and living life together that I kept on track with babies just shy of two years apart. Of course like you said there are so many pros but there are cons too (like feeling panicked at the idea of homeschooling two or three needy learners at once!) but I am so pleased to have my family “here” and seeing how they shape and mold each other.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen

      So sorry your dreams were cut short! I don’t think I could ever homeschool, so I haven’t felt that part, but more the big eagerness to ship the first one off to full-time school! It’s awesome that you are up for that!
      (and sorry for my late reply…don’t check in here very often and didn’t see I had comments to approve!)

  249. anon y mouse

    I read Anneliese’s blog and have read about your Oma. You made me cry.

    What a beautiful name, such a gorgeous little namesake.


  250. anon y mouse

    Hello and Congratulations

    I read Anneliese’s blog and have read about your Oma. You made me cry.

    What a beautiful name, such a gorgeous little namesake. Many wishes for her health, prosperity and happiness.


  251. Donna Moulton

    Definitely praying for your family and the new village God will help build for you. Exciting times for sure!

  252. Brian & Ann Dalgarno

    Good for you. I’m sure that Rick & Arlene won’t mind having you, and the grandkids at Nanaimo. Will pray for you as the Lord leads us.

  253. Chavon

    I love this!! It is very timely, as I have been thinking a lot about service and my role in it. Does it give me life? Does it burn me out? Sometimes one and sometimes the other. I love thinking of this as a hobby because I am often looking at others who create and think–I should learn to do that because that would be fulfilling. Maybe it would be–but maybe it is also fulfilling to just love others and to be our genuine selves. It isn’t really a comfortable answer to the question, “What is your hobby” but it is comforting to my often busy mind, pining for others gifts rather than recognizing and resting in my own.

  254. Anneliese

    It’s a good feeling to figure out your happy place! I think it took me till a lot later in life. To find joy in serving others is a special gift and I appreciate that in you.

  255. Karissa

    I hope you’re able to find the right spot to explore your new hobby! I get asked sometimes how I can read so much with little kids but, as you say, it’s not too hard to carve out the time, if you really want to. I imagine there will be more time/opportunity for volunteering as your kids get into school ages.

  256. Heather Kassian

    Hi Larissa, I resonate with your blog today. It is hard when there are so many little people that need you, let alone a home to run and a husband that also needs a wife! This is a good thing to ponder because you will NOT always be so needed by your kids and it’s good not to lose yourself in the process of raising these amazing humans 😉. It has been amazing for me to push myself and grow in my 50’s (!) with my virtual, online business. Never did I think I would be doing something so new at this point. AND loving it!! So good for you to be asking these questions of yourself now; you’ll be ready to go when you see the opportunity! Blessings to you💕

  257. Catherine Sevenhuysem

    I love the “expectations” piece. I mean, being an insufferable Vancouverite, I do love spending money and time on vegan restaurants and craft beer, so the reccomendation thing doesn’t apply, but I do feel like on the island there is less of a comparison-game culture. Nanaimo is so lovely, and I’m so glad you feel at home there! You’ve brought so much joy to Mom and Dad in the last eight months, not only through your offspring but through your own presence.

  258. Jen C

    This is very interesting to me.. because a lot of your reasons why you like Nanaimo (size, running into people, less traffic) are the reasons why I would eventually love to live somewhere more like Nanaimo.. and less like Burnaby. And a Costco is a good asset, always. ;)

  259. Anna Morton

    I love her. She definitely comes by that laid back nature honestly. Molly gets that mischievous glint, too. I’m excited for our girls to grow up close together!
