Help Me Paint My Highchair

When I first purchased our highchair, I was pretty stoked. I had been looking for a wooden one for a while. I have been happy with it, however the finish is wearing quite thin making it more difficult than it has to be to wipe clean. This morning I forgot to clean up after an oatmeal breakfast before leaving for the morning. Oops. I spent 15 minutes scraping it with a little hard plastic pot scraper.

So to remedy this, I thought I would refinish it so it is nice and shiny new, and easy to wipe down. But then I saw some cute painted highchairs, and I wanted to do that too! I think I am leaning toward painting it, something nice and glossy, but I’m not quite sure of what colour to do. This is where your help comes in!

At the end of this post I have a simple poll. Just pick which colour you think I should paint it! But before that, here are a few photos I enjoyed (click the photo for source):

highchair 3 highchair 5 highchair 1 highchair 2

What colour should I paint my highchair?

  • other (comment) (8%, 2 Votes)
  • restain (15%, 4 Votes)
  • white (27%, 7 Votes)
  • yellow (15%, 4 Votes)
  • blue (35%, 9 Votes)

Total Voters: 26

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For a little refresher, here is my highchair. It does not need to match my wall colour since these walls are not mine and I do not like them.

High Chair

Have you ever painted a high chair or anything else that constantly needs to be wiped down? Have any tips for me?

15 thoughts on “Help Me Paint My Highchair

  1. Aunt Brenda

    After light sanding and cleaning with TSP you would use oil-based primer and then you can use latex paint over top of that (or oil-based paint if you prefer).

  2. Jessi

    Aunt Brenda knows what’s what! Definitely sand and prime before painting. After all the crib painting drama I caused myself I will tell you there are no shortcuts. Have fun with the spindles.

  3. Naomi Janzen

    There’s a great “liquid sander” product on the market that might spare you some sanding. It bonds with various sealed finishes and gives you a nice, even primer coat to paint over. Try that on one of the legs or spindles, maybe? I’ve got an Ikea book case that I’m going to try it on, because it’s supposed to work equally well on veneer finishes. I think I’m going to paint it a nice, bright colour for the baby’s room once we find out the gender.

  4. mamastacey

    I’m just thinking that a really high gloss paint might make it really slippery. Will that be an issue? Also, I would use paint that is safe, as most babies will suck or chew on their high chairs at some point. Oil may not be the way to go, even if it is more durable.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen Post author

      Calvin chews on EVERYTHING! Thanks for the tip. I’m sure the guys at the hardware store will know what to sell me.

      I’m not sure how slippery it would make it. I do tie him in with a scarf though, so he can’t go too far.

    1. Edie Nichols

      My daughter and I looked at a home for sale……and in the updated country kitchen there was a black antique (recently refinished) that they owners were leaving behind………it was gorgeous!


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