Baby Sign Language

I knew I wanted to try sign language with my kids before Calvin was born. My sister in law used it pretty effectively, and it is a really handy tool to help the kids communicate before they can use words. So I started signing to Calvin words like “milk” and “all done” and “more” on a fairly regular basis. I never did the songs or things that really gung ho people do. But I don’t think Calvin really understands that it is something he can use to talk to me instead of just me talking to him.

He gets excited when I sign “milk”, but never asks for it with the action. He will repeat “all done” if I am asking him if he is finished but never volunteers to do it. And I think he repeats “more”, but it is just him clapping his hands.

I’m not frustrated that he is not really picking it up, because really, I’m not putting a whole lot of effort into it, but I would love to hear your experiences with it.

Did/do you use baby sign language? When did you start? Did your child pick it up pretty easily?
Maybe you didn’t use it, but wished you did? Or perhaps you taught your child but didn’t really find it that useful?

6 thoughts on “Baby Sign Language

  1. Belle

    I’ve read that when you sign to babies instead of speak to them, they will be delayed in their speech because they won’t have a reason to use it. We never used it and our kids talk. A lot. Finn spoke in full sentences at 14 months.

  2. Bonita

    Reaearch shows that it won’t delay speech, but it can’t “fix” a speech delay. The good news is that if a child is slow to start talking he has a way to communicate. I signed with all four of mine and they are all very verbal and read above grade level…another research proven benefit! Enjoy the Journey!

  3. Katie

    You’re not supposed to sign to babies *instead of* speaking to them, you’re supposed to use the sign while speaking the word to them so that they make the association. Just so you know. You could try toilet, diaper or another “potty” word that may come in helpful if you’re thinking of training him soon. I’d be curious to see what other words you or others use that actually prove helpful. The family ones like mom, dad, grandma and grandpa might be fun. Not as useful, but could be cute. :)


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