We just got back into town after yet another trip to BC. This time we went for a cruise up the coast with Tim’s family. It was so much fun, and there are so many pictures, so I will split the trip up into a few parts. Here is the first part, our day of departure and the first full day.
Here we are walking up the gangway toward our ship. The excitment was mounting!
Below, Calvin is showing off his excitement for Canada flags. If you have spent much time with him since July 1, you can hear him say “Canada flag!” over and over whenever he sees one, so fast you can’t count the syllables and it sounds like an Indian accent.It was quite the walk down a hallway to our cabin, or stateroom. I was pleasantly surprised by the generous size of the room and the awesome window! The ledge in front provided the boys with tons of fun each morning. Calvin loved to hide behind the curtains, then jump off onto the bed. Oh, and Calvin slept on the couch that turned into a bed and Victor slept on the floor. It worked out quite well, except for the fact that there were light switches right above the couch, so we often woke up to Calvin turning those on.

These photos were taken after a nap and before turndown, so don’t judge the crew’s service by these photos.
We all (except Tim who was napping or something) took an evening swim in the freezing cold outdoor pool as we pushed off from the docks.
Out first full day was a sea day, and we couldn’t ask for better weather. We spent the majority of the time on the outside decks. Calvin learned to relax (although he would only lay like that long enough to sigh and say “relax!”, then he was off, finding the tennis courts or basketballs.
And then of course the food. Always ice cream and french fries. We got quite familiar with the ice cream scooping crew members. And the rest of the food was wonderful too.
Read part 2.
Cadada fyag! Cadada fyag! Cadada fyag!