Weekend Visitors

As I mentioned last week, my mom and sister came to visit! It’s always a pretty casual, relaxing time with them. We did some shopping, carved pumpkins, and Calvin gave them lots of cuddles. I am very glad they were able to make it out and see where we now live. Plus, they were able to bring a few of the items we had to leave behind! I now have my vacuum cleaner and my Christmas decorations. Hooray!

Rosie puts a lot of effort into her pumpkin. I do not.

Cuddles with Oma

I’m not the only one who has to feed him anymore!

Saying goodbye early Sunday morning.

It was fun having guests, and I look forward to more in the future!

3 thoughts on “Weekend Visitors

  1. Monika Thiessen

    I’m thankful that we were able to make the trip. It was good to see where you are living! And it’s always great to see you, Tim and Calvin. Thanks, again, for everything!

  2. Aunt Anneliese

    Just found your blog and enjoyed a visit on here. Love your pantry overhaul and your little guestroom to welcome family. I’m so glad your mom and Rose could visit. Your mom still has a nice tan! I have not seen her… obvisouly. Calvin looks like a content little/big boy!
    Hope you find a good church and make great friends there! If I ever have a layover in Edmonton visiting Ben and Kari, I may just be able to have coffee with you. Take care … keep writing.


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