Pregnancy #2: 20 Weeks

Yep, this pregnancy is half over. It’s going too fast! I feel like my sister in law just passed the 20 week mark, and she is due almost 3 months before me! And the only reason I knew I was 20 weeks is because my cousin who is due the day before me me mentioned something about being 20 weeks.

I’m kind of symptom-less right now. Besides crying at commercials that don’t deserve it. My nasal congestion doesn’t seem to bother me these days. Oh, but I have started to use antacids occasionally. I never got really bad heartburn during my first pregnancy, just a weird feeling in my throat. I wouldn’t label it as heart burn, just really mild acid reflux or something. That’s what I’m experiencing a couple times a week right now. Not sure when it started last time. And as a public service announcement, the Pharmasave brand berry flavoured antacids taste way better than Tums. Just so you know.

I’ve felt the baby move a little bit. Nothing really strong or regular, but maybe once or twice a day I feel a little something. I’m excited to start feeling it more, and being able to see it move!

Here is my half-baked belly, compared with my 20 week belly from last time, on the right. I don’t see much difference, but it’s hard to tell when you are wearing a different shirt.


And then a photo of the baby. I feel like Calvin’s were a bit more crisp and clear, but a photo is a photo, no matter how blurry!


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