It’s already been a year. What?!
A year ago, at 10:14 PM on Friday April 13, 2012, Calvin William joined our family at a long and lean 7lb2oz and 21.25″, and he has been the best baby ever! Excuse me while I take a moment to brag here…
Calvin has always been a generally happy baby, quick to smile and very slow to get sad or angry. He kept my laundry piles small by not spitting up much and peeing during diapers changes no more than 5 times in his whole life! No PeePee Teepees needed here! I think the last time he did it, he aimed at his mouth, so he decided it’s better just to hold it until I am done. Sure, he still doesn’t sleep through the night, but I don’t care. He never gives a fight when it’s bed time, and wakes up chatty and happy in the morning. It has been so much fun seeing how much there is for him to learn, and watching him actually learn it! In the past few months it has been especially fun with him becoming more interactive, sharing toys and trying to feed me his food. Currently he is in a copy cat phase, mimicking head movements, actions and sounds.
And what is a one year post without a pile of photos depicting everything he has done up until now? Nothing! So without further ado, sit back and enjoy!
Happy birthday, Calvin! We can’t wait to see what you will all learn and get up to in this next year!
Happy birthday, Calvin! One of these days you will have a new little second cousin :). And congrats on being a big brother!
Happy Birthday Calvin! Is the final photo an announcement?? :)
Happy 1st Birthday, Calvin!! :) …and Congratulations on the EXCITING NEWS that you are to become the “World’s Best Brother!” Congrats & Blessings all around, Larissa & Tim!
Happy Birthday, Calvin! And congrats again on Baby #2!! :)
Best. Post. Ever.
Love that kid!