Not a Gender Reveal

Yesterday I had my 18 week ultrasound. It was a little bit of a different experience than with Calvin. In BC, Tim came in with me right away and the tech chatted with us and told us what she was doing the whole time. There was also a second screen so I could easily see what was going on. Here though, I believe it is normal practice to not have the partner join you right away. The tech was practically silent and I could see nothing he was doing. Tim only got to come in at the very end.

Our baby was not positioned the best so we have to go for another ultrasound in two weeks so they can the rest of whatever it is they need.

This also means that they couldn’t determine whether baby is a girl or boy. But I’m here to say that even if we do know the gender of our unborn child, we are not going to let the public know. I made the unwise decision yesterday of posting a photo of a can of blue paint after saying it was ultrasound day. Not a gender reveal!

I originally wanted to find out because I really wanted to have a girl, and if it was going to be a boy I wanted to have those extra months not to hope and wonder. I wanted a girl for a couple reasons: I really really really like the name we have for a girl, and I also want to have a little person to dress in florals. But the more I’ve been thinking about it, the more I like the idea of having a boy since they will only be 18 months apart, and just one grade apart. They can grow up to be buddies and get into all sorts of trouble together. And if we know it’s a boy, we can focus more on picking a boy’s name because that takes time. Boy names are hard, people!

So I don’t care what the gender is anymore, but I do want to know, just for fun.

Here is the best photo the tech could get for us:


5 thoughts on “Not a Gender Reveal

  1. Lisa

    Catherine and I are 19 months apart, and I can say that although we are super close and have gone through so much together, there were also a lot of difficulties growing up so close in age. We often did things together such as swimming lessons or piano lessons, which made us kind of competitive and was stressful at times. So really it could be both a blessing and a challenge if it’s a boy :) But I’m sure you already know this!

  2. Lisa

    I’m sure they’ll be buds regardless of gender – who could get in a fight with Calvin anyways? ;)

  3. Katie

    Both of our (BC) ultrasounds were the same as the one you just had, Nathan only came in at the end as the tech worked quietly the rest of the time. Not sure yet what I think you’re having, but hopefully it will be good friends with its closest in age cousin. :)


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