As you may or may not know, the house we live in is up for sale, and has been since early April. In those three months, I have spent a considerable amount of time making sure the house is tidy and presentable for showings and for the realtor to come and take photos. And we have also been unsure of what would happen when the house sold. There were a few possibilities:
1) The new owner would want to keep this as a rental property and keep us on. If this was the case, we were aware that our rent would probably go up significantly because I think we are getting a pretty good deal on this place.
2) The new owner would want this as their own residence and we would have to look for a new place to live.
3) If the house never sold, the owner would likely keep it or sell it to her father who has other rental properties in the area.
A couple offers have been put on the table, only to be pulled off. The price has lowered by $20K, and it still hasn’t sold. And now the owner has decided that she wants to try harder to sell it, and that it will be easier if the house was not occupied. So that means we have to move at the end of July.
Of course I am not looking forward to having to move, but just the other day I was telling my sister in law that I was worried I wouldn’t have enough to do to satisfy my “nesting urges”. We moved houses in Victoria when I was 8 months pregnant with Calvin, so I had a whole house to organize and put together. I was thinking that this time I would only have the pack and play to set up and a few clothes to throw in the wash. But I have a whole house to organize yet again! Woohoo!
We know that God must have an even better place, if not equal to, whether it is in a better neighbourhood (although I really like this one), or a better monthly rate, or with landlords who care a bit more about the quality of their property. We will see where we end up.
But first, we have a road trip! Tomorrow we are leaving to visit some family in Manitoba. We will start looking when we get back, which leaves us a mere 3 weeks. Eek! In the meantime, we are accepting donations of boxes!
Moving is so tough when pregnant! Good attitude though Larissa! I did it and survived. My sister-in-law is moving in the middle of pregnancy, and so is Caity–One good thing is you can avoid most of the heavy lifting. You feel a little guilty about it though.
Yeah, last time it was tiring, but not too tough which was good. It helped that we had family around to help out and tell me not to do stuff. :)
i believe they need to give you 3 months notice. i will send you a link.
Thanks, Caity!
I love how you are so calm and easy going about everything. Way to look on the positive side!
Oh, Larissa! You have a great attitude! It will get you far!