It’s a Girl!

It’s a girl! It’s actually a girl!!


Today we had our ultrasound and the tech confirmed it. We are so thrilled to be adding a daughter and sister to our family! The boys are excited too, although they probably don’t super understand what a girl actually means. Here’s a little video of us telling them. They aren’t the most excitable or expressive children, so don’t watch it with too high of expectations. Haha!

Only a few people know, but this was actually our second ultrasound. Our first one was last week, and the tech then said the thought it might be a girl, which is probably the worst answer you can get. A definite Boy! or Girl! would have been better. But he showed us something on the ultrasound (three lines…if you know what that means, great…if not, google it) that had me pretty convinced, so hearing it confirmed today wasn’t an ultra amazing experience, but we are so happy to have a girl to welcome into our family! One part of me is saying “of course it’s a girl, was there any other option??” and another part is saying “we get a girl? For real?!” It’s a weird experience.

And then there’s this…I get to dig into this box in the bottom corner of the closet that has been sitting around for 4.5 years.image2

7 thoughts on “It’s a Girl!

  1. Lucy

    I’ve followed your blog. From baby centre. I’m happy you’re getting your girl but at the same time I’m sad for the fact that a boy wouldn’t have had you this ecstatic. I hope you get a healthy baby after all this cause that is what truly matters.

    1. Larissa Sevenhuysen Post author

      Hi Lucy, thanks for tagging along!
      I appreciate your concern for my own emotions, but they are just that. Mine. I learned a while back that everybody feels differently in the same situation, and just because I do not react the same way, doesn’t mean the other person’s emotions aren’t valid. This has helped me tremendously when I thought that somebody was feeling emotions that had me confused and, sometimes, disgusted.
      A boy would have been equally loved. Not having a girl wouldn’t giving me a need to grieve a little.

  2. Karissa

    Your boys do show excitement, it just happens to be centred around the balloon more than the thought of a little sister! I’m sure they will be even more excited when she’s actually here and I know she’ll be greatly loved by you all!

  3. Anna

    I love how the balloons were the most exciting part of the whole announcement for Calvin. I got a little teary thinking about how you finally get your girl. I’m just so excited and happy for you! I also approve of you making the perfect little best friends for my kids.

  4. Anneliese Friesen

    Tickled pink! A daugher is someone who can become your confidant in a way that a son can’t. Both are significant in your life, yet in different ways, So I’m happy that you get to experience both.


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