A bonus of our trip to BC was to meet a handful of babies that friends and family members have had in the past couple months! There were also a couple yet-to-be-born babies to “see”.
I already mentioned meeting my oldest brother’s baby girl, Anna, who is my third niece.
Also in Langley was my friend Amy and her three-month-old, Jonah. Amy and I have known eachother since we were children, with our families attending the same church.
I then got to hang out with one of my best friends, Megan, who just recently announced she is due with their first in January! I am very glad we had an opportunity to get a belly photo of the two of us. We have known each other for always. Our mothers went to church and school together when they were growing up. I hope our kids will grow up as friends as well.
Then on Tuesday, Tim, Calvin and I made a whirlwind trip to Victoria to see some friends and more babies! Mostly Calvin just wanted to see Anna.But we also went to a park to hang out with the girls and their kids too.
Chavon could have her second any day now!
Raya, the newest baby in the group.
It was nice to have a baby girl after the last three (who were also the first three) were boys.
One of the last times Calvin and Ethan (in the middle) saw each other, they looked like this:
On the way back to my parents’ place from the ferry, we stopped in to visit with my cousins, Andrew and Naomi, who had their baby girl just three days before my sister-in-law had Anna!
This is a little dark, but it was so cute! Mackenzie was sleeping in her swing and Calvin was just crouched there, watching her go back and forth. Then he decided he wanted to swing her himself.
Calvin was actually really gentle with all the babies he met. He mostly pet their heads and made cute little sounds like “doodle doodle doodle”. The only trouble was if he had a wooden hammer in his hands. Because of course you are allowed to bang on anything if you are wielding a wooden hammer (don’t worry…no babies were hurt). So I am hopeful that he will be the same way with our newborn.
It is interesting thinking of all my different friends, in Langley, Victoria, and now Edmonton, and how my relationships with them all are different. My Edmonton friends I know only as parents. I don’t know much of their background or who they were as teenagers. I feel like I am learning from them, since the majority have children older than mine. My Victoria friends I got to know as they were students in college, becoming newlyweds and recently parents. I got to learn alongside of them. I have known my Langley friends through all stages of life, and it’s fun to watch them become parents now, continuing the circle. I wish I was closer to them to see this next stage more first hand, but I am content with the special little visits I get here and there.
And that concludes the baby tour! Besides Chavon, there are two people on my pregnant people list (yes, I actually have a list of my friends’ due dates because there are so many to keep track of) due, and then it’s my turn! Only two more months, which is kind of crazy. And seeing all these newborns didn’t help prepare me for my own in the least. Good thing I know first hand that the knowledge comes naturally. I’m excited!
What a great post, Larissa! I wonder if any babies will be born next year at all with the big boom of 2013 having just ended.