A Visit With the Mortons

Our good friends, Anna and Karl, drove out from Victoria to pay us a visit this weekend! It is rather convenient for them, really, since Karl has a brother near Calgary. They arrived on Thursday evening and just left this evening so we had two full days to visit, and it was so great!

While Tim worked on Friday, I had the difficult task of entertaining them during the day. However it started with Karl doing the entertaining.


We then spent the morning window shopping at West Ed. We went to Galaxy Land where Calvin went on his first ride.


We came home for lunch and lounged on the couch under the ceiling fan while Calvin napped. Then it was pool time! Calvin enjoyed being sprayed with the hose.


The evening was spent once again inside under the fan. It’s getting warm here, people!

This morning we wandered across the street where there was a garage sale. Calvin test drove a foot pedalled car, but we ended up coming home with a great wagon that is perfect for carting him to the park in.


Then once again there was a nap for Calvin and couch lounging for us. This was followed by a trip to get some delicious frozen yoghurt. So yummy!



The yoghurt place happened to be in the same mall as the brand new Lego store, so of course we had to take a peek.


We came home to more pool time, hotdogs, and then they were gone. We had a great relaxing couple of days with them, and now they are off to continue their long weekend and we have two more days to enjoy to ourselves!

Thanks so much for coming, guys! Hope to see you again soon!

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